kdepim-addons is still at version 18.04, even though the rest of the packages are at 18.08. As a result, kmail crashes almost immediately after startup, with the following error: kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/messageviewer/messageviewer_fancyheaderstyleplugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN11MessageCore10StringUtil17emailAddrAsAnchorEPN5KMime7Headers8Generics11MailboxListENS0_7DisplayERK7QStringNS0_4LinkENS0_11AddressModeES9_i
which edition are you using? it currently needs some jobs adding in release editions which needs sysadmin to answer a ticket about removing old repos. dev-unstable seems to be stuck on armhf build server breakage.
APT packages are: deb http://archive.neon.kde.org/release xenial main /etc/os-release: NAME="KDE neon" VERSION="5.13" ID=neon ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian" PRETTY_NAME="KDE neon User Edition 5.13" VERSION_ID="16.04" HOME_URL="http://neon.kde.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://neon.kde.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://bugs.kde.org/" VERSION_CODENAME=xenial UBUNTU_CODENAME=xenial So the main release I guess, not the developers versions. System is Ryzen x86_64.
Mixing packages that are not built using different messagelib versions is not supported.
Ah, didn't see this was reassigned to neon, I'll let the maintainer close it
Not sure what you mean. When I look at the 18.08 release on kde.org, it has kdepim-addons 18.08. But when I look in the apt repo at the address posted, everything else has been released in the 18.08 series _except_ for kdepim-addons; that one is still 18.04. I guess someone forgot to upgrade and compile that package for the 18.08 release. I am not compiling anything myself; this is strictly an issue with what the APT repo is providing for download.
To be clear, the following contains kdepim-addons 18.08: https://download.kde.org/stable/applications/18.08.0/src/ But the APT repo only has 18.04: https://origin.archive.neon.kde.org/release/pool/main/k/kdepim-addons/ Obviously, the package hasn't been created/updated yet.
note that using the /release/ archive will give you broken software, it exists as a hidden staging area for building packages before they are consistent and have had QA
Really? I didn't know that. So which archive should I be using? I will have to read the Neon pages again.
/user/ is the public archive
all sorted now
Thanks. I have gone back to /user/ for now, so this doesn't happen again. I guess I was following somebodies (incorrect) advice online to use /release.