Many (all?) number input fields in EKOS seem to not process the ENTER/RETURN key. Instead, the keypress is handed to some other (random) button/menue. For me, ENTER in the exposure time tab of the live view starts recording, changing exposure time in CCD tab and pressing enter opens the config window etc. Highly annoying!
Git commit 0b33b9aea2b70531ba2251c4b5828d8ff144ab6f by Jasem Mutlaq. Committed on 20/08/2018 at 18:48. Pushed by mutlaqja into branch 'master'. Use more sane default when hitting enter key in Ekos modules. FIXED-IN:3.0.0 M +6 -0 kstars/ekos/align/align.cpp M +6 -0 kstars/ekos/align/align.ui M +0 -2 kstars/ekos/capture/capture.cpp M +6 -6 kstars/ekos/capture/capture.ui M +2 -2 kstars/ekos/ekosmanager.cpp M +6 -0 kstars/ekos/focus/focus.cpp M +6 -0 kstars/ekos/focus/focus.ui M +6 -0 kstars/ekos/guide/guide.cpp M +13 -6 kstars/ekos/guide/guide.ui M +6 -0 kstars/ekos/mount/mount.cpp M +12 -4 kstars/ekos/mount/mount.ui