Bug 397641 - Digikam 6.0 print creator - some bugs and some feedback
Summary: Digikam 6.0 print creator - some bugs and some feedback
Alias: None
Product: digikam
Classification: Applications
Component: Plugin-Generic-PrintCreator (show other bugs)
Version: 6.0.0
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Digikam Developers
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Reported: 2018-08-19 20:39 UTC by Jens
Modified: 2023-10-12 05:37 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

window size (14.78 KB, image/png)
2018-08-19 20:39 UTC, Jens
digikam's checkbox colors in all the 'dark' themes - almost invisible (104.19 KB, application/pdf)
2018-08-24 12:01 UTC, Jens

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Description Jens 2018-08-19 20:39:43 UTC
Created attachment 114508 [details]
window size

Today I started out with a dozen photos of my daughter and wanted to create some 10x15cm (4x6") prints to put in a (real paper) album. Before deciding which images to use for the large prints I wanted to create a thumbnail preview page with all photos to print out.

But the state of the current print dialog (digikam-6.0-20180727 appimage) is just so bad that I wasn't able to generate any sensible results. Please don't take this personally, I'm taking time to describe all issues in detail so we can fix them and think of improvements. Some are (probably) trivial and straight forward, some might require some thinking.

Thank you!

So, here we go:

1. The print dialog opens in a tiny window where almost nothing is visible. See attached screenshot #1. You have to resize this window before being able to do anything. What's more, the window size isn't remembered when using the print dialog multiple times.
=> Please choose a sensible default size that avoids most scrollbars and where all elements are readable. 860x650 seems to be a good choice on my computer, but this might depend on screen fonts and so on.

2. The print dialog always takes all images of the current album by default. It should only use *visible* images (there might be a properties filter and grouped images) or *selected* images by default. This works once, but if you go back and forth a couple times in the assistant the list of images is suddenly extended to contain all images of the current album.
I'm not sure about this, I could not reproduce it always, but there was something weird going on.

3. If you choose a thumbnail overview print layout and have a lot of (~50) images selected for inclusion, the application freezes for >10 seconds when it is generating thumbnails (I suppose) for the preview. There should be a kind of progress dialog or the thumbnail should be generated asynchronously. Users will assume Digikam has crashed. And, why is Digikam not using the thumbnails from the main view? This should be much faster.

4. When removing images from the list (on the assistant page where you choose the paper layout) *using the right mouse button context menu* instead of the buttons, the images are not really removed - they stay on the thumbnail layout. But they are not in the list either.

5. With all the available dark themes (Black Body, Darkroom, Grey Card, ...), the button icons and labels are completely invisible. This is a generic issue with Digikam on Ubuntu, so maybe there is a generic solution? Also the borders of checkboxes are almost invisible.

6. The crop option in the print assistant does not allow zooming in/out to further fine tune the area of the image to be printed. Or am I missing something? There is no obvious way to zoom.

7. The crop selection rectangle behaves weird - it seems it can only be grabbed at the center and then jumps around if you grab it any other position. It should be possible to grab it at any position and drag it around.

8. There is no (obvious?) way of saving / repeating the crop position and size for multiple images, which is an important use case when you have dozens of almost identical portraits and want to create a thubmnail overview printout.

9. It would be a very nice feature if the crop window could autoadjust / zoom to encompass all available face rectangles (and associated heads if fully on the image) - and if only a single face rectangle exists, try to put it in a special position (e.g. the 3x3 crosshair crossing points).

10. It would be a plus if the print creator's crop position would be saved with the image and reused if the print creator would later be called up again.

11. It would be a plus if images could be reordered and also removed during cropping, since this allows for a more detailed preview than the other assistant's steps.

12. It would be a plus if not only the crop rectangle could be zommed in or out, but also the image itself - to have a quick look at image details again.

13. Sometimes the thumbnail order in the print preview, and in the crop preview, did not equal the thumbnail order that was set in the list. This is especially true if the user went forwards and backwards multiple times in the assistant.

14. In the preview list of images, there is no (obvious?) way of (re)sorting images based on metadata - e.g. time, filename, comment or tag(s).

15. There seems to be no (obvious?) way to set the white margin around each image in the thumbnail print layout. This would be a plus.

16. When the user goes back in the assistant and then returns to the caption settings, images in the list will be duplicated (added again). This should not happen. Instead, Digikam could offer a button "Reset list" above the list in the button bar.

These are my thoughts about the print creator after having used it for about an hour.
Please consider... :)

Thank you!
Comment 1 Maik Qualmann 2018-08-20 20:03:06 UTC
I will work through this bug report step by step. Tested under openSUSE Tumbleweed with native digiKam version and current AppImage.

1.) I can not reproduce the problem. If no window size is saved, we read the desktop geometry to set a good window size. Works great here. In addition, each set size is saved and is available after reopening. Which Linux desktop do you use? After the screenshot it is probably Ubuntu?

Comment 2 Maik Qualmann 2018-08-20 20:09:08 UTC
2.) If no image is selected in the Icon view, all images are taken over, otherwise only the selected ones. This behavior is desired.

Comment 3 Maik Qualmann 2018-08-20 20:22:21 UTC
3.) Do you mean with thumbnail overview the layout 6 x 5 images? I only have a minimal delay when switching through the preview pages. The thumbnails of the main view can not be used, a small image of the real print will be rendered.

Comment 4 Maik Qualmann 2018-08-20 20:29:45 UTC
4.) With the right mouse button, you can only remove a "re-added image" again. A "re-added image" was appended to the end of the list. To remove an image, the "-" button must be pressed. The picture disappears from the list and the page preview is updated correctly here.

Comment 5 Maik Qualmann 2018-08-20 20:34:00 UTC
5.) Screenshot would be good. Otherwise, select the Breeze-Dark Icon theme in the digiKam settings Miscellaneous to get bright icons.

Comment 6 Maik Qualmann 2018-08-20 20:42:07 UTC
6.) Changing the size is currently not possible.

Comment 7 Maik Qualmann 2018-08-20 20:46:24 UTC
7.) The idea is probably that the frame occupies the middle of the mouse position to plaza it there. I would grab it at the cross in the middle if they just want to move it slightly.

Comment 8 Maik Qualmann 2018-08-20 20:52:12 UTC
8.) You mean the current position should be taken over for the next still unprocessed image?. I think that is also a good idea. Saving the position when restarting the Print Creator, I do not really think it makes sense.

Comment 9 Maik Qualmann 2018-08-21 19:08:03 UTC
Git commit 07973ec2804aab63de426d18efb301e26ef45169 by Maik Qualmann.
Committed on 21/08/2018 at 19:06.
Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'.

fix point 16 from Bug 397641

M  +2    -1    core/utilities/assistants/printcreator/wizard/advprintphotopage.cpp

Comment 10 Jens 2018-08-24 11:57:57 UTC
thank you for your quick response! 
If you want me to open separate bugs for these issues, please just tell me.

My comments:

1. Yes, this happens with Ubuntu 16.04 default Unity desktop. I actually like KDE  better but its way of handling network mounts just doesn't work for me.

2. I had the impression this did not work reliably, but I cannot reproduce. OK.

3. The delay here is noticeable (~5s for 15 16MP JPEG images of 5..10MB each) and repeated, i.e. thumbnails are not cached. During this delay, digikam freezes.

4. If removing an image from the list needs two different operations depending on the image type, then this should be made clear in the UI. However, it would be better if there were only one option and the difference would be handled in the code.

5. See attachments.

6. I noticed it's not possible. Please make the crop rectangle resizable.

7. True - but the crop rectangle should be "grabbable" everywhere, everything else violates basic UI design. IMHO.

8. Reusing the crop position for the next image (or "save" and "restore" automatically) makes sense, but *also* please (!) save it with the image if the print creator is used again. 
I frequently print thumbnail overviews for people to look at - mostly PDF - and this would be a large help, because many images appear on different thumbnail arragnements but I don't want to crop my original image.
Comment 11 Jens 2018-08-24 12:01:42 UTC
Created attachment 114580 [details]
digikam's checkbox colors in all the 'dark' themes - almost invisible

Digikam's checkboxes (and some other UI elements) are almost invisible when using a 'dark' theme under Ubuntu 16.04 Unity, so it is very hard to hit them with the mouse. I don't know where to change this style color - if you tell me I can experiment and find a good color.
Comment 12 Jens 2018-08-24 21:14:45 UTC
For item 5 (checkbox visibility with dark themes), see also bug 385148.
Comment 13 caulier.gilles 2020-08-01 16:15:40 UTC
digiKam 7.0.0 stable release is now published and now available as FlatPak:


We need a fresh feedback on this file using this version.

Thanks in advance

Gilles Caulier
Comment 14 caulier.gilles 2022-01-10 07:43:21 UTC
Hi Jens and happy new year,

Can you give a feedback of all valid pending points listed in this file using current digiKam 7.5.0 pre-release bundle available here :


Note : list plenty of point in the same reports is the heel and long to solve. It's better to group point by category/feature, to simplify reports management.

Best regards

Gilles Caulier
Comment 15 caulier.gilles 2023-04-29 07:31:24 UTC

digiKam 8.0.0 is out. Please review the pending points to fix from this entry using this digiKam release.

Best regards

Gilles Caulier
Comment 16 caulier.gilles 2023-10-12 05:37:08 UTC

What's about this file using current 8.2.0 AppImage Linux bundle ? It's
reproducible ?


Note: bundle is now based on Qt 5.15.11 and KDE framework 5.110.

Thanks in advance

Gilles Caulier