Start 7: kcontacts-addresstest 7: Test command: /var/tmp/paludis/build/kde-frameworks-kcontacts-18.07.90/work/build/bin/addresstest 7: Environment variables: 7: QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/var/tmp/paludis/build/kde-frameworks-kcontacts-18.07.90/work/build/bin:/usr/host/lib/qt5/plugins 7: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 7: ********* Start testing of AddressTest ********* 7: Config: Using QtTest library 5.10.1, Qt 5.10.1 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 7.3.0) 7: PASS : AddressTest::initTestCase() 7: PASS : AddressTest::emptyTest() 7: PASS : AddressTest::storeTest() 7: PASS : AddressTest::equalsTest() 7: PASS : AddressTest::differsTest() 7: PASS : AddressTest::assignmentTest() 7: PASS : AddressTest::serializeTest() 7: FAIL! : AddressTest::formatTest() Compared values are not the same 7: Actual (address.formattedAddress(QStringLiteral("Jim Knopf"))): "Jim Knopf\nLummerlandstr. 1\nLUMMERSTADT\n12345\n" 7: Expected (result) : "Jim Knopf\nLummerlandstr. 1\n12345 Lummerstadt" 7: Loc: [/var/tmp/paludis/build/kde-frameworks-kcontacts-18.07.90/work/kcontacts-18.07.90/autotests/addresstest.cpp(219)] 7: PASS : AddressTest::shouldExportVcard4() 7: PASS : AddressTest::shouldExportVcard3() 7: PASS : AddressTest::shouldParseAddressVCard3() 7: PASS : AddressTest::shouldParseAddressVCard4() 7: PASS : AddressTest::shouldExportVCard4WithGeoPosition() 7: PASS : AddressTest::shouldParseAddressVCard4WithGeoPosition() 7: PASS : AddressTest::countryToISOTest() 7: PASS : AddressTest::cleanupTestCase() 7: Totals: 15 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 23ms 7: ********* Finished testing of AddressTest ********* 7/32 Test #7: kcontacts-addresstest ..............***Failed 0.07 sec
Caused by locale-dependent formatting of addresses?
Also got a failing phonenumbertest here which is apparently happening when the package is already installed on system while testing. Maybe related.