Bug 397082 - The new media player icons rely on the icon theme instead of the desktop theme
Summary: The new media player icons rely on the icon theme instead of the desktop theme
Alias: None
Product: plasmashell
Classification: Plasma
Component: Media Player widget (show other bugs)
Version: 5.13.3
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: 1.0
Assignee: Kai Uwe Broulik
: 395485 395619 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2018-08-02 08:13 UTC by Filip Fila
Modified: 2018-08-19 12:52 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Description Filip Fila 2018-08-02 08:13:04 UTC
This may have been intended by design by the person who pushed the commit, however the new media player icons relying on the icon theme instead of the desktop theme is wrong because it breaks theming.

Specifically this means either that a media player icon is missing or that the new squared media player icons are used throughout all themes. Both of these cases are visually unsatisfying and the former functionally as well. The user should not have to be copying these icons from the desktop theme to the icon theme to achieve consistency. 

More generally it does not make sense to take away theming away from the desktop theme in the place where all other elements rely on the desktop theme.
Comment 1 trmdi 2018-08-02 08:26:48 UTC
I'm using the Adapta desktop theme (the git version) and the icon is from that desktop theme, not from any icon theme. What is your setup? What desktop theme are you mentioning? Where did you get it?
Comment 2 Filip Fila 2018-08-02 08:34:16 UTC
(In reply to trmdi from comment #1)
> I'm using the Adapta desktop theme (the git version) and the icon is from
> that desktop theme, not from any icon theme. What is your setup? What
> desktop theme are you mentioning? Where did you get it?

Using any desktop theme I don't get the proper icons. OS is Manjaro Linux. Taking Adapta as an example, I have the community adapta-kde package installed dated from 20180618-1, which was after varlesh fixed the icons. If use the Breeze icon theme then I get the squared icons throughout all the themes. If use this other icon theme which has no media player icons, I get blank space throughout all desktop themes. I had to copy media.svg from the Adapta desktop theme into this icon theme and this is the only thing that fixed it, but unfortunately only for the playback icon, not the pause icon.
Comment 3 Filip Fila 2018-08-02 09:31:55 UTC
At my wits end here, I even tried the git version of Adapta: https://i.imgur.com/bko7xyW.png
Comment 4 trmdi 2018-08-02 09:53:50 UTC
(In reply to Filip from comment #3)
> At my wits end here, I even tried the git version of Adapta:
> https://i.imgur.com/bko7xyW.png

Can you test this from the terminal to see if it can display the right media icon when using Adapta ?

echo 'import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore; PlasmaCore.IconItem { width: 200; height: 200; source: "media-playback-paused" }' > /tmp/testicon.qml && qmlscene /tmp/testicon.qml && rm /tmp/testicon.qml
Comment 5 Filip Fila 2018-08-02 10:11:43 UTC
(In reply to trmdi from comment #4)
> (In reply to Filip from comment #3)
> > At my wits end here, I even tried the git version of Adapta:
> > https://i.imgur.com/bko7xyW.png
> Can you test this from the terminal to see if it can display the right media
> icon when using Adapta ?
> ```
> echo 'import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore; PlasmaCore.IconItem {
> width: 200; height: 200; source: "media-playback-paused" }' >
> /tmp/testicon.qml && qmlscene /tmp/testicon.qml && rm /tmp/testicon.qml
> ```

Hmm I guess it can't: https://i.imgur.com/EYbu3Z7.png
Comment 6 trmdi 2018-08-02 11:09:34 UTC
(In reply to Filip from comment #3)
> At my wits end here, I even tried the git version of Adapta:
> https://i.imgur.com/bko7xyW.png
Your icons (the wifi one for example) looks very different from mine: https://bugsfiles.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=114247
Are you sure you're using the latest version of Adapta from github?
Comment 7 Filip Fila 2018-08-02 11:46:02 UTC
(In reply to trmdi from comment #6)
> (In reply to Filip from comment #3)
> > At my wits end here, I even tried the git version of Adapta:
> > https://i.imgur.com/bko7xyW.png
> Your icons (the wifi one for example) looks very different from mine:
> https://bugsfiles.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=114247
> Are you sure you're using the latest version of Adapta from github?

I completely wiped Adapta from /usr/share and then compiled the git version. But yes, I think it's holding it at some old version however and I don't know where to delete that version.
Comment 8 trmdi 2018-08-02 12:01:57 UTC
(In reply to Filip from comment #7)
> But yes, I think it's holding it at some old version however and I don't
> know where to delete that version.

Have a look at: https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/adapta-kde/blob/master/install.sh
Comment 9 Filip Fila 2018-08-02 19:46:05 UTC
Alright so the problem was that once upon a time I installed Adapta through Get New Stuff. This version stuck around somewhere (?) and would always override the Adapta installed through the package manager. For some reason it wouldn't update either from the Get New Stuff window. The solution was to uninstall Adapta in Get New Stuff and then the git Adapta showed up in its place. 

I guess it would be good here for the maintainers of desktop themes to add an instruction in their scripts to delete their themes installed through Get New Stuff so that they don't interfere with the package.
Comment 10 trmdi 2018-08-06 01:45:32 UTC
*** Bug 395485 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11 Michał Dybczak 2018-08-10 08:34:16 UTC
Uh, what happened? There were two other bug reports on incorrect media icon. Mine bug report was marked as a duplicate of:


Now 395485 have been marked as duplicate of this bug here but this has status: unresolved invalid.


This is still an issue and here is only sparse discussion about adapta theme.

So far only Breeze, Breeze Dark, Breeze Light has corrent media icon.

Adapta, Breath, Maia, Andromeda, Air, Oxygen and all other themes show this incorrect, black (color isn't changing based on light or dark theme), square off looking icon.

Many distros comes with dark panel and then dark media icon becomes invisible. So far many users reported this issue and so far this has been circling to resolved, invalid status?

Looks like someone incorrectly pointed 395485 bug to this as this thread wasn't well processed.

Since Plasma 5.13 update all non-breeze themes are broken and no one seems to care or do I read it wrong? Many people having problem with it (I put links to topics on mine and other threads) and this circled back to here.
Comment 12 Filip Fila 2018-08-11 18:39:54 UTC
(In reply to Michał Dybczak from comment #11)
> Uh, what happened? There were two other bug reports on incorrect media icon.
> Mine bug report was marked as a duplicate of:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=395485
> Now 395485 have been marked as duplicate of this bug here but this has
> status: unresolved invalid.
> WHAT???
> This is still an issue and here is only sparse discussion about adapta theme.
> So far only Breeze, Breeze Dark, Breeze Light has corrent media icon.
> Adapta, Breath, Maia, Andromeda, Air, Oxygen and all other themes show this
> incorrect, black (color isn't changing based on light or dark theme), square
> off looking icon.
> Many distros comes with dark panel and then dark media icon becomes
> invisible. So far many users reported this issue and so far this has been
> circling to resolved, invalid status?
> Looks like someone incorrectly pointed 395485 bug to this as this thread
> wasn't well processed.
> Since Plasma 5.13 update all non-breeze themes are broken and no one seems
> to care or do I read it wrong? Many people having problem with it (I put
> links to topics on mine and other threads) and this circled back to here.

Original bug reporter here. I labeled this report as resolved invalid because my assumption was simply wrong.

As for the other reports - only a few desktop themes have been updated for the new media icons so you need to ask the people who make those themes to update them. Another thing to look out for is that some may have updated it but the distro packages are lagging behind (happened to me with Arc). If you know both the theme and the package have been updated, but you still have these issues, you can try removing the cache and make sure you dont have versions installed from Get New Stuff.
Comment 13 Michał Dybczak 2018-08-12 06:55:28 UTC
I'm also a maintainer of some themes and this is puzzling to me.

So if I get it right, Plasma 5.13 broke the themes compatibility on purpose? If so, why isn't there any clear info how to fix it? This way 99% of available themes have just broken media icon. This is a really bad decision and should be somehow either fixed upstream of communicated officilally like:

"Since Plasma 5.13 we had to change X due to reason Y and that resulted in (issue Z), Please update your themes to make it compatible with the Plasma 5.13+ by doing this:"

From what I can tell, correct icon is in my theme and others but system is not reading it as before. Also, so far for me there is no other theme that would fix it, despite many, many theme updates lately. With each update I hoped to see Arc or Breath fixed to ask what they did but nothing.
I went through "get new" and uninstalled those themes and seems as if I have them only from packages and yet the bug is still present. Where is this theme cache you are talking about? I don't have any other themes in ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/ aside mines. Rest is installed from Manjaro repo which is pulled from Arch repo. This is all very confusing and badly resolved IMO.

And now we don't even have valid bug thread about it since this one was narrowed down to Adapta which wasn't even the bug itself. It was about all themes compatibility break.

Also, I don't understand how this one could have been "the original thread" since this was posted on 2018-08-02 08:13:04 UTC, while others ones were earlier?

This was was way earlier:

Comment 14 Rober 2018-08-12 08:17:06 UTC
Michał Dybczak, I agree with you. I opened https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=395485 and I don't understand why a older bug is "duplicated" with a younger bud.
And the bug is not resolved at all.
Comment 15 Filip Fila 2018-08-12 16:14:57 UTC
Im not a developer, but from what Ive read, yes, this was done on purpose. It seems the idea was to add new functionality and this was the side effect. I probably would have made the same decision in regards to implementing it, but I do however fully agree with you that this was handled rather poorly, seeing as how there should have been a PSA in advance that themes will be broken and will need to be updated. Surprisingly not even the 5.13 release notes give any warning. It does happen at times that all things non-Breeze get a bit overlooked, but usually it's nothing major and hopefully this and what happened with the network applet recently are a one off. 

But the point now is to fix it. Im a Manjaro user myself so I can tell you that Arc's package did not have the right media.svg icon for me. I had to get it from Github. Not sure about Breath, but im pretty certain that if a theme has received the update, you should be able to get the icons right. 

I mentioned the cache; varlesh says to do this: 
rm -rf ~/.cache/plasm* ~/.cache/ico*

And you can always test things with an entirely new user as well.
Comment 16 Nate Graham 2018-08-13 09:12:23 UTC
*** Bug 395619 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17 Filip Fila 2018-08-13 13:38:36 UTC
To sum this up, from what I understand the squared icons people are seeing are fallback icons that have been added to the Breeze icon theme. If someone is using an icon theme which does not have these fallback icons (most likely pretty much any non-Breeze icon theme), then they will have no icon for the media applet. 

Now as for the various desktop themes and the state they're in, here's what I get when I try them out:

Manjaro specific desktop themes: Andromeda, Maia, Breath = all broken

Trendy desktop themes: Adapta, Arc and Materia = all fixed
- note: patch your Arch/Manjaro community package (arc-kde) theme with the media.svg icon from Github.

Legacy desktop themes: I expected them to be broken, but both Slim Glow and Oxygen seem to fall back to Breeze desktop theme's icon... which looks a bit of place, however.

So the bottom line is: know which themes have been updated and make sure you have the latest versions of said themes. If it's not showing up right, then cleaning the cache and/or wiping custom theme installs in System Settings should help.
Comment 18 Michał Dybczak 2018-08-14 10:26:57 UTC
Thanks for the info Filip.
The fact that you have to use git versions from AUR to have fixed version from top, trendy themes, while those in repos of cutting edge distros are broken + hundreds of other themes elsewhere makes the situation very bad. And that's quite some time after the 5.13 release.

I'm also a maintainer of some themes and I would like to fix them but I don't know how. I have no idea what has changed under the hood and what needs updating. As far I check, all themes do have correct media icon, but it's not showing up because of the recent changes so paths are broken somehow.

If the change that broke almost all the non-breeze themes is justified, then fine, but we are waiting for official announcement and how to fix our themes. Still, most of themes will stay broken.

This creates a very bad precedence where people have easy access to hundreds of themes on opendesk sites (like kde store) but no warning or info about their compatibility. We are used to that themes usually work. On Gnome breakages and hunting for versions that suit Gtk/Gnome version is normal but KDE is not prepared for it. On Gnome plugins have already notification about which version they are compatible with. Yeah, they have a mess but people learned how to deal with it.

For example, Plasma themes now need some additional info like: Compatible up to Plasma 5.12; Compatible with Plasma 5.13+. Without it we either find out that effect is bad after using it or looking when the theme was changed. In latter case it doesn't even say that it was fixed for this compatibility, it may have not been. Also, users on Plasma are not use to paying attention to that kind of info. Plasma do create some compatibility breakages but they are usually under the hood, not with external, abundant third party sources as with themes.

IMO the issue is huge and creates dangerous complications for user experience. The question is, was this breakage really worth it?

There is a great and funny video how Linus Torvalds treats the breakage of user space:


Of course, kernel and Plasma desktop themes are not the same even in the slightest, but still some thought about breaking user experience must be made.
Oftentimes developers have different priorities in mind and conflicts arise. Since developers have upper hand and can create change on whim, this tempts to go too far since they see a code problem, not a usability and experience problem.

So once again, is this theming change so important that we should sacrifice whole desktop stack as incompatible from now on? Was there no other, smoother way to resolve it? At least with some legacy lines that uphold compatibility but allow for the change somehow?
Comment 19 Filip Fila 2018-08-14 16:24:14 UTC
(In reply to Michał Dybczak from comment #18)

Yeah, I agree all this is a bit Gnomish and there should be (have been really) an official response. What you said confirms my suspicion that people just don't necessarily know how to create a fix for this so this should have been explained as well.

Maybe this commit helps you see how to fix your themes: https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/arc-kde/commit/b7b7f6d60ed2b19ba9822418c2d43fbcf27c5245

And for a more abstract understanding the issue maybe the responsible task could also help you out: https://phabricator.kde.org/D11056
Comment 20 Michał Dybczak 2018-08-19 12:52:53 UTC
Thanks. I didn't even know that svg files can be opened in text editor. I analyzed the file but didn't understand much of it. So I just decided to use breeze file instead.
I went to /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/default/icons/media.svgz and copy it over to my media.svgz file. Now it works.

I experimented with the fixed Adapata theme and also was able to add its icon for my theme (I had to change it from svg to svgz in Inkscape first) but it wasn't the breeze one, it was just the play/pause without the square around it but had the right color. It was not so bad in the end. That square around it was making the issue, plus the wrong color. Anyway, I decided on the default breeze media round icon that I like. I'll upload fix on kde store soon.