Compile discover with kdesrc-build execute "source /usr/local/kde-latest/" execute /usr/local/kde-latest/bin/plasma-discover I got a message: error loading "packagekit-backend" "Cannot load library /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/discover/ (/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/discover/ undefined symbol: _ZN18OdrsReviewsBackend16staticMetaObjectE)" QJsonObject({"IID":"org.kde.muon.AbstractResourcesBackendFactory","MetaData":{},"className":"PackageKitBackendFactory","debug":false,"version":330497}) error loading "flatpak-backend" "Cannot load library /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/discover/ (/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/discover/ undefined symbol: _ZN18OdrsReviewsBackend16staticMetaObjectE)" QJsonObject({"IID":"org.kde.muon.AbstractResourcesBackendFactory","MetaData":{},"className":"FlatpakBackendFactory","debug":false,"version":330497}) falling back applications backend to -1 StaticXmlProvider: neither uploadurl nor nouploadurl given And then a few: invalid kns backend! "/usr/local/kde-latest/etc/xdg/XXX.knsrc" because: "All categories are missing" Discarding invalid backend "XXX.knsrc" falling back applications backend to -1 .... And then an OOM.
You seem to be loading the plugins on the system, not the ones you just installed. Also if you could do a heaptrack run that would maybe help detect where you're hitting the OOM? I've never seen it before.
Created attachment 114248 [details] The place where the memory is created
Git commit 05d10118d3611dd1db79ae9efe6538811e3139af by Aleix Pol. Committed on 02/08/2018 at 13:40. Pushed by apol into branch 'master'. Don't load categories for invalid backends M +3 -0 libdiscover/Category/CategoryModel.cpp