Since most PDFs already implement border-information in documents: please implement either a profile-option (to quickly access needed printingprofiles e.g. "borderless") or a checkbox in either Advanced- or PDF-option to allow quick access to borderless printing. Else, if a PDF already owns bordersetting those would not be honored correctly and ocular would apply additional borders around already existing borders , ruining the original PDF-layout. since there is no acroread anymore ocular is the last bastion for handeling PDFs correctly. thanks 4 support -c-
Please correct me if I misunderstood your request, but as far as I understand, this request is already handled in bug 336617 (and is being worked on), so I'm closing this as a duplicate. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 336617 ***
> ocular is the last bastion for handeling PDFs correctly. Okular for annotations, and qpdfview for printing. Perfect combination :)