In krita-4.2.0-pre-alpha. when undoing a crop action under certain circumstances, the data of the cropped areas will be corrupted. 1) Drag an existing JPG/PNG into Krita 2) Crop it 3) Undo the crop 4) Although Krita can restore the document's dimensions, it does not fully restore its information. It's weird that the restored area of the picture looks like it has the same size as the crop area, but it is actually not the same. Tested on krita-4.2.0-pre-alpha-11668da-x86_64.appimage, Manjaro 17.1.11 KDE
Present for me in 4.2.0-pre-alpha (git 024d1a3) on Win 10 as well
I can reproduce this but only with the 4.2.0-pre-alpha-3ec98eb appimage and krita 4.2.0-pre-alpha from krita-lime. Here's a video where I test the stable, git(be4ed82), and various appimages: I tested the krita-testing version after realizing I had the old installed and was able to reproduce it there too but it didn't make it to the video.
Yes, I can confirm. The bug is *not* present in this sha1 af6febcd63d92c6b840fd79abfef637e7e9bb4c7 It might be related to Andrew's has table patch...
The bug first appeared in the merge from Andrew: d9dce0b93ca72ed5fb46e9f291ff615bfdef86b6