In Krita 4.2.0 pre-alpha, cancelling a transform tool action causes weird layer data corruption. # TYPE A 1) Drag any jpg/png file into Krita 2) Ctrl+T 3) ESC or switch to another tool 4) The picture is cleared, and it cannot be undone. # TYPE B 1) Create a new document 2) Draw something on Layer 2 3) Ctrl+T 4) ESC or switch to another tool 5) Layer 2 is cleared and cannot be undone. Tested on krita-4.2.0-pre-alpha-11668da-x86_64.appimage, Manjaro 17.1.11 KDE
Present for me in 4.2.0-pre-alpha (git 024d1a3) on Win 10 as well
Another regression with the same pattern. It's reproducable only in the latest testing versions but not in git. Video: