I receive messages with the subject, "Encrypted message." Opening them reveals standard mail headers, including Subject, which appear in the message. When one replies to the message, the subject (and message body) are cleared. The original sender, receiving a reply, (using Enigmail or other compliant mailer) sees, "RE: Encrypted Message" in reply.
Same here. Got this problem for a while always hoping it would disappear as sudden as it appears. Mails for which this behavior holds true, as much as I can tell, were sent with Enigmail. Would be great to have this problem solved soon since it makes it difficult to answer to mails sent with Enigmail.
I have the same problem. Depending on the sending client I either get "Encrypted Message" or just "..." as subject. Both are annoying when I want to search for an email. I really like kmail and don't want to switch to another client, but this really bugs me, as I use encryption in almost all my work mail, so my mail list just loos like "...", "...", "...", "...", "Encrypted Message", "...", "..." and so on.
The Messageviewer since 5.15 (Applications 20.08) can display the correct headers, if you use the "Kmail 5.2" header style. That means that the base is there to support protected headers also at different parts of KMail. KMail also send protected headers, but do not obfuscate them at the moment to not have more unuseful subjects.
*** Bug 428431 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
(In reply to Sandro Knauß from comment #3) > The Messageviewer since 5.15 (Applications 20.08) can display the correct > headers, if you use the "Kmail 5.2" header style. Good to know. Unfortunately this header consumes quite a lot of space. Jjust tried some others and almost all of them support encrypted subjects. But most of them do not support dark designs. And some, like Breeze Material Dark, do not work properly and don't display the To: and From: lines. They are just empty. The main problem for me is, that encrypted subjects are not shown in the message list. There they are still displayed as three dots. And that holds true for all designs I have tried. Unfortunately thus one can't search for them.