Bug 396149 - Kolourpaint icon does not respect the active theme
Summary: Kolourpaint icon does not respect the active theme
Alias: None
Product: Discover
Classification: Applications
Component: discover (show other bugs)
Version: 5.13.2
Platform: Neon Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Aleix Pol
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Reported: 2018-07-04 06:09 UTC by PK
Modified: 2018-09-14 05:11 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Discover chooses wrong icon (111.75 KB, image/jpeg)
2018-07-04 06:09 UTC, PK

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Description PK 2018-07-04 06:09:46 UTC
Created attachment 113744 [details]
Discover chooses wrong icon

Discover now respects my installed and preferred icon theme! Great! Only, for the appliction KolourPaint (and perhaps other app too?) discover chooses an icon that is not in my preferred theme. I did "locate kolourpaint.svg" and I found the icon that Discover uses in the folder /usr/share/icons/hycolor. So I renamed that folder, deleted the cache, rebooted and still discover uses this icon.
Comment 1 Nate Graham 2018-07-13 20:00:54 UTC
Yep, I see this too.

PK, is it just Kolourpaint for you, or are there any other affected apps/icons? If so, which ones?

Aleix, could this be an issue with Kolourpaint's metadata? Either way, it's a pretty high visibility papercut since we have Kolourpaint on the Featured apps home page.
Comment 2 PK 2018-07-14 05:40:34 UTC
It is only kolourpaint for me. There could be other applications as well but I haven't seen one.
Comment 3 Aleix Pol 2018-07-16 14:50:58 UTC
I've been discussing this with Matthias, maintainer of appstream, he says he'll modify asgen behaviour to include the stock icon name for applications that install its own icon too.
Comment 4 Aleix Pol 2018-07-16 22:46:00 UTC
https://github.com/ximion/appstream-generator/commit/818c03c000384a0a4c912e6534e3bbf809c0a37f < this should fix it in this case and potentially some others. Maybe it could be backported to Neon.
Comment 5 Nate Graham 2018-07-17 04:25:16 UTC
Thanks Aleix!
Comment 6 PK 2018-09-07 19:08:43 UTC
I am already on plasma 5.13.5 and applications 18.08.1 but only very rarely the KolourPaint icon is the one I would like to see. Most of the time it is still the wrong one. As it is in the attachment I added to this bug report.
Comment 7 Nate Graham 2018-09-07 19:26:33 UTC
The fix was made to AppStream, and made it into the 0.7.4 release last month. Your distro is responsible for providing that to you.
Comment 8 PK 2018-09-13 06:34:13 UTC
On my system (neon user - fully updated) I find installed the following applications according to muon:
- appstream 0.12.0-3
- libappstream4 0.12.0-3
- libappstreamqt2 0.12.0-3
and last but not least:
- libappstreamglib8 0.7.7-2
Does this make it understandable that I still see the wrong icon of Kolourpaint?
Comment 9 Nate Graham 2018-09-13 21:20:00 UTC
Those version numbers don't make a lot of sense, and they don't seem to correspond to the upstream versions at all (0.12.0 and 0.7.7 would both be in the future).

Neon doesn't take new upstream versions of non-KDE software as soon as it's released the way a 100% rolling release distro like Arch/Manjaro or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed does, so it's a good bet you don't actually have the new version of AppStream yet. You can always compile and deploy it yourself if you really want to verify whether or not AppStream-0.7.4 fixes the issue.
Comment 10 PK 2018-09-14 05:11:11 UTC
Thank you Nate