Welcome screen hangs KEXI. To test just start KEXI without any filenames or click the KEXI button. This is a problem if system has installed specific designer plugins, probably those that use WebKit. Reported this case here: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-57400?focusedCommentId=410890&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-410890 Official KEXI for Windows is not affected as it is pre-packaged with private copy of Qt which does not include these plugins.
There can be various reasons for the plugin hangs. In my case it was using ASAN (address sanitizer) for a test version of KEXI. In this case building KEXI without ASAN helps. Second workaround: run KEXI with project filename (or .kexis connection file) as an argument so the Welcome screen is not displayed. Third workaround: remove PREFIX/share/kexi/3.2/status/status.ui file before running KEXI.. If KEXI was compiled by you, also remove the src/main/status/status.ui file from the source code before running KEXI. In this workaround KEXI won't find the file so it will not hang before trying to load it.