Using 5.x git master with a craft mingw build on Windows, attempts to import an OFX file result in a a messagebox error, similar to: "Unable to import file:///D:/Users/Jeff/Documents/KMyMoney/TestFiles/trades.ofx using the OFX importer plugin. This file is not the correct format." The error message is itself misleading. There is no problem with the ofx file format. The problem is the use of QUrl.path() on Windows, so KMM couldn't find the file. If I change the 2 occurrences of url.path() to url.toLocalFile() in ofximporter.cpp the import succeeds.
Git commit 15c9f3ac39c8719095ee9aaa66097d1bd191380b by Thomas Baumgart. Committed on 05/10/2018 at 15:02. Pushed by tbaumgart into branch '5.0'. Fix problem with leading slash in filenames under ms-windows A URL of the form file:///C:/ is returned as /C:/ when the path() method is used. This causes the QFile::open() method to fail. The QUrl::toLocalFile() method does return C:/ in this case. Related: bug 399378 M +2 -3 kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp M +2 -2 kmymoney/plugins/ofx/import/dialogs/konlinebankingsetupwizard.cpp M +3 -2 kmymoney/plugins/ofx/import/ofximporter.cpp M +14 -8 kmymoney/plugins/ofx/import/ofxpartner.cpp M +1 -1 kmymoney/plugins/xml/xmlstorage.cpp