Right now Kirigami list views separate the list items with a gray separator line, and use the view background color (almost white with Breeze light) for all of the list items. This results in a blinding, visually overwhelming list that's hard to parse quickly. I think this is what's behind Discover's decision to use a split list item implementation for the Updates page. Most list views these days use an alternating background color and no explicit separator line between items. An example can be seen in Dolphin when using Details View mode. IMHO it looks hugely better--much easier on the eyes, and much easier to visually parse. We should consider doing the same for Kirigami list views.
Would also make it consistent with Qt's widget views which do the same.
I think that in a discussion on telegram the idea was ultimately abandoned? (as look too .. old)
The results of that discussion were the conclusion that the purpose of an alternating stripey background is to make it easy to parse multi-column lists. So the stripey background shouldn't be mandatory, but it should be optional in case your list has multiple columns of data.
so in the end, easy to have, i can add it but i still think it would look super horrible as stripey backgrounds look on any other uses, tough is true that would be useful for things like dolphin details view
Git commit 023c6ea8736675539d33d28ae43e2f16574145f0 by Marco Martin. Committed on 11/02/2019 at 13:22. Pushed by mart into branch 'master'. support for optional alternating backgrounds M +6 -0 src/controls/Theme.qml M +3 -1 src/controls/private/DefaultListItemBackground.qml M +19 -0 src/controls/templates/AbstractListItem.qml M +17 -0 src/controls/templates/SwipeListItem.qml M +11 -0 src/libkirigami/basictheme.cpp M +29 -15 src/libkirigami/platformtheme.cpp M +11 -0 src/libkirigami/platformtheme.h M +6 -0 src/styles/org.kde.desktop/Theme.qml https://commits.kde.org/kirigami/023c6ea8736675539d33d28ae43e2f16574145f0