Hi, I suspect kwalett to block akonadi access, and crash Kontact software and dependencies by the way. Several Times in the day I've to kill it and restart akonadidb for handle the access back :~$ ps -aef | grep kwall users 1230 1 0 mai14 ? 00:00:03 /usr/bin/kwalletd5 --pam-login 15 19 users 24970 20793 0 16:37 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto kwall :~$ kill 1230 Thanks for support.
This Log may help org.kde.kgapi: Received reply from QUrl("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token") org.kde.kgapi: Status code: 200 org.kde.kgapi.raw: "{\n \"access_token\" : \"ya29.Gly9BZxpkmSb6XL8PE4jz8Qw24AjK8WlFyQCyd1NC4pxMuVNvT6uPdwtkqVj95yWBLUrPzjNzLkbuk7wuTriOK084tUoK4vvA9Mi0czk146hajEEUkSK1UPS68M6uA\",\n \"expires_in\" : 3600,\n \"id_token\" : \"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImE3NDhlOWY3NjcxNTlmNjY3YTAyMjMzMThkZTBiMjMyOWU1NDQzNjIifQ.eyJhenAiOiI1NTQwNDE5NDQyNjYuYXBwcy5nb29nbGV1c2VyY29udGVudC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiI1NTQwNDE5NDQyNjYuYXBwcy5nb29nbGV1c2VyY29udGVudC5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiIxMTQzMDUxMzU0MDQyMDEwMDA5NjMiLCJlbWFpbCI6ImR1Ym9pcy5taWNoZWxAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiZW1haWxfdmVyaWZpZWQiOnRydWUsImF0X2hhc2giOiJYYmlmeDR0eHFYeUJUQ0NrQ3RFRm9nIiwiZXhwIjoxNTI2NDc0MTg1LCJpc3MiOiJhY2NvdW50cy5nb29nbGUuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNTI2NDcwNTg1fQ.pgkJQb807Mha4K2KDrBdFzT4CBefr_QD_Cd2l3y0QKfO2-g5YxaUEEGy0fSIlEpyEMzboiZAKk_g8eyFmNDFSu8Xn6fazrcC-eYmClhiZG4j8wDrJhIEBeBWWKlGK9arySLAsr3jRlH6fMC9cMMMdRHvHgayQ1Kb3oM-3gq0w8WljtboEK9rWqscm9vm0T1yrXN-nk-_H1_9vlo3DtbPKgArXpNYhg20UGiP3af8SW0kwLfMtx-zmnF74iZhT1VYS23qASeWDV_m7HfdNATYptWSbTdvzApc7uYaPQuMP9hFyPN_yx6NSoz1BgP55_-fDvjqRqswRsuuasGG-VYEig\",\n \"token_type\" : \"Bearer\"\n}" org.kde.kgapi: qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket::startClientEncryption: cannot start handshake on non-plain connection org.kde.pim.kimap: Connection to server lost 0 org.kde.pim.imapresource: Session login cancelled [SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting authID![SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting token ![SASL-XOAUTH2] - filling prompts ![SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting authID![SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting token !user=acme_user@gmail.comauth=Bearer ya29.Gly8BTtdidTWvNGCxiLmYI3Pv-o1qCIwbrC82DBR9t3DvMMx6Ei9ZZspkxHhxHnJHssSHv0TJ326S5fi11BSkzixbQb8QGqPqSHfT-ple7CQxKpvkeLgfCa5qF13CQuser=acme_user@gmail.comauth=Bearer ya29.Gly8BetseYEZFFAs8oJftuLHakAP5MF_Yw2onNGGAKmp-Jl6TL3wb-102hYj_i-YTnhy3OkG3yQBVbUJRaDt79fFFtr90EW4F7FI5PvQByPMMRDgsH-jpjuXShUDJwuser=acme_user@gmail.comauth=Bearer ya29.Gly8BetseYEZFFAs8oJftuLHakAP5MF_Yw2onNGGAKmp-Jl6TL3wb-102hYj_i-YTnhy3OkG3yQBVbUJRaDt79fFFtr90EW4F7FI5PvQByPMMRDgsH-jpjuXShUDJwuser=acme_user@gmail.comauth=Bearer ya29.Gly8BetseYEZFFAs8oJftuLHakAP5MF_Yw2onNGGAKmp-Jl6TL3wb-102hYj_i-YTnhy3OkG3yQBVbUJRaDt79fFFtr90EW4F7FI5PvQByPMMRDgsH-jpjuXShUDJwuser=acme_user@gmail.comauth=Bearer ya29.Gly8BetseYEZFFAs8oJftuLHakAP5MF_Yw2onNGGAKmp-Jl6TL3wb-102hYj_i-YTnhy3OkG3yQBVbUJRaDt79fFFtr90EW4F7FI5PvQByPMMRDgsH-jpjuXShUDJwuser=acme_user@gmail.comauth=Bearer ya29.Gly9BZxpkmSb6XL8PE4jz8Qw24AjK8WlFyQCyd1NC4pxMuVNvT6uPdwtkqVj95yWBLUrPzjNzLkbuk7wuTriOK084tUoK4vvA9Mi0czk146horg.kde.pim.imapresource: Expunge failed: "Échec de Purger. Le serveur a répondu : A000065 NO mailbox selected READ-ONLY " org.kde.pim.imapresource: Expunge failed: "Échec de Purger. Le serveur a répondu : A000161 NO mailbox selected READ-ONLY " [SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting authID![SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting token ![SASL-XOAUTH2] - filling prompts ![SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting authID![SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting token !org.kde.pim.akonadicore: The item sync is being rolled-back. QIODevice::write (KTcpSocket): device not open org.kde.pim.kimap: Connection to server lost 0 org.kde.pim.imapresource: Session login cancelled org.kde.pim.kimap: Connection to server lost 0 org.kde.pim.imapresource: Session login cancelled I restarted kwallet and akonadidb for get an issue.
I started manually knetwork manger from the KDE menu. (kwalletmanager5) I removed the Google key I checked The processus I noted name changed :~$ ps -aef | grep kwal users 13282 1 0 08:51 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/kwalletd5 I restarted akondictl Kamil connection seems working better.
Could you please verify the status of this bug? Is it resolved for you, or are you waiting for a developer to investigate this issue?
Hi Christoph, Thank for responding and supporting I don't know if the problem will come back yet. In this case I should reopen the case as there is a bug somewhere else. Thank
The access to GMAIL in IMAP mode still very slow with KMail 5.7.3 It's not possible to word with this software anymore. Since 5 years, I worked without problem with Kmail. Could you give any advice ?
org.kde.pim.akonadicore: Creating/updating items from the akonadi database failed: "Erreur inconnue." org.kde.pim.akonadicore: "Erreur inconnue." org.kde.pim.akonadicore: Creating/updating items from the akonadi database failed: "Multiple merge candidates, aborting" "Item query returned empty result set" "Item query returned empty result set" "Item query returned empty result set" QIODevice::write (KTcpSocket): device not open org.kde.pim.imapresource: Expunge failed: "Échec de Purger. Le serveur a répondu : A000005 NO mailbox selected READ-ONLY " org.kde.pim.imapresource: Expunge failed: "Échec de Purger. Le serveur a répondu : A000101 NO mailbox selected READ-ONLY " org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Handler exception: Unable to fetch item from backend (collection -1) : Unable to retrieve item from resource: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Handler exception: Unable to fetch item from backend (collection -1) : Unable to retrieve item from resource: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
I've got MySQL error like : 2018-05-22T11:26:04.039264Z 0 [Warning] Failed to set up SSL because of the following SSL library error: SSL context is not usable without certificate and private key 2018-05-22T11:26:04.062854Z 0 [Warning] Insecure configuration for --pid-file: Location '/tmp' in the path is accessible to all OS users. Consider choosing a different directory. 2018-05-22T11:26:04.090710Z 0 [ERROR] Incorrect definition of table performance_schema.replication_connection_status: expected column 'RECEIVED_TRANSACTION_SET' at position 7 to have type longtext, found type text. 2018-05-22T11:26:04.091222Z 0 [ERROR] Incorrect definition of table performance_schema.replication_group_member_stats: expected column 'COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_ROWS_VALIDATING' at position 6, found 'COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_VALIDATING'. 2018-05-22T11:26:04.093699Z 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '5.7.22-0ubuntu18.04.1' socket: '/tmp/akonadi-mdubois.1tEWqn/mysql.socket' port: 0 (Ubuntu) 2018-05-22T11:26:04.135431Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 180522 13:26:04
I doubt this is a KWallet problem. Reassigning to Akonadi developers for inspection.
Thanks Christoph I refreshed the Google application authorization and I reinstalled my google "imap" account. I seems to work now. I'm going to follow the use. this problem make me a few crazy as I need to read my mail and kept the organization of the thing I'm kepting local
Kmail worked fine yesterday. Today it's not working well Akonadi log : ![SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting authID![SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting token !org.kde.pim.kimap: sasl_client_step failed with: -1 "SASL(0): successful result: " org.kde.kgapi.raw: Requesting token refresh: "client_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx6.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=mdT1DjzohxN3npUUzkENT0gO&refresh_token=1/fnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaG9hcn_MlArNBs&grant_type=refresh_token" org.kde.kgapi: Queued QUrl("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token") org.kde.kgapi: KGAPI2::AuthJob(0x7f6628031250) Dispatching request to QUrl("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token") org.kde.kgapi.raw: "client_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx66.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=mdTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&refresh_token=1/fnMxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcn_MlArNBs&grant_type=refresh_token" org.kde.kgapi: Received reply from QUrl("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token") org.kde.kgapi: Status code: 200 org.kde.kgapi.raw: "{\n \"access_token\" : \"ya29.GlzEBcvQuxtugaZxJWqTdO-m17pYFdZwN6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxp3tKtMJUWdI_0jlauudnaNZQv9Ge2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8Td9Q\",\n \"expires_in\" : 3600,\n \"id_token\" : \"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjAyOWYyNjlmM2YwNmFmMWU5M2RhYzY3MDYzOTc3ZjcxM2E3N2YxOWUifQ.eyJhenAiOixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNTI3MDM4NDcwfQ.o_BcrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBedvKxGRSkHFZsGB9WrY2-Kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8_deqtDdFq3zPfQ_Hq5PmpBaQc0I-GXEYAMbCtjA9tZHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRY1lzlWTECzGD6s4ctV0S49Ppb0cn3U6wEbp_M-1cTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBX-8v6vdqu-dYheRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxYZ8CNPyD_jfGisnwoam3C9k61avNYq47vg\",\n \"token_type\" : \"Bearer\"\n}" org.kde.kgapi: qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket::startClientEncryption: cannot start handshake on non-plain connection org.kde.pim.kimap: Connection to server lost 0 org.kde.pim.imapresource: Session login cancelled org.kde.pim.imapresource: Expunge failed: "Échec de Purger. Le serveur a répondu : A000005 NO mailbox selected READ-ONLY " Tokenizer Warning: 8Bit character ' ð ' Tokenizer Warning: 8Bit character ' ' Tokenizer Warning: 8Bit character ' '
Kmail seems working with my last google configuration of my account. However I did three times the operation. I m going to wait before to use kontact.