Hello, after changing search engine in search panel, the focus is not on the textbox but it is probably on its parent, which is causing key combinations ('´' + 'a') to not work. Steps to reproduce: - Have enabled search panel - Left click on the search engine icon to show the list of search engines - Select some search engine from the list - After that the focus is not on the search textbox (no blinking cursor in textbox) - When you try to type something it will work, unless you try to type characters like "ľščťžýáíé" with key combination like 'ˇ' + 's' - When you click on textbox it gains proper focus (blinking cursor in textbox) and everything work. Expected behaviour: - After changing the search engine the focus should be changed to search textbox
Git commit e8fa25e058ac7a43567a622b133ee0bfa3f40da7 by David Rosca. Committed on 14/05/2018 at 11:29. Pushed by drosca into branch 'Falkon/3.0'. WebSearchBar: Set as focus proxy of engines button FIXED-IN: 3.0.2 M +1 -0 src/lib/navigation/websearchbar.cpp https://commits.kde.org/falkon/e8fa25e058ac7a43567a622b133ee0bfa3f40da7