Bug 394061 - Brush blobbing mid-stroke ink_gink_25 | archlinux | wacom cintiq 21ux
Summary: Brush blobbing mid-stroke ink_gink_25 | archlinux | wacom cintiq 21ux
Alias: None
Product: krita
Classification: Applications
Component: Brush engines (show other bugs)
Version: 4.0.1
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Krita Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-05-09 20:05 UTC by Loren Dias
Modified: 2018-07-04 02:26 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

Screenshot of brush blobbing (453.34 KB, image/png)
2018-05-09 20:05 UTC, Loren Dias
Screen Recording of the bug (1003.28 KB, video/webm)
2018-05-09 20:06 UTC, Loren Dias
Complete Archlinux package list ($pacman -Qe > ~/arch-linux-list.log) (5.19 KB, text/x-log)
2018-05-09 20:06 UTC, Loren Dias
lsmod (3.82 KB, text/x-log)
2018-05-09 20:22 UTC, Loren Dias
xinput (995 bytes, text/x-log)
2018-05-09 20:22 UTC, Loren Dias
xinput-list-props (1.20 KB, text/x-log)
2018-05-09 20:22 UTC, Loren Dias
$krita output (9.42 KB, text/x-log)
2018-05-09 20:23 UTC, Loren Dias
screenshot of test #2 (269.19 KB, image/png)
2018-05-09 20:23 UTC, Loren Dias
video of test #2 (1.08 MB, video/webm)
2018-05-09 20:24 UTC, Loren Dias
test-3_krita-konsole-output-with-debugging-on (1.99 MB, text/plain)
2018-05-09 21:04 UTC, Loren Dias
test-3-video (956.86 KB, video/webm)
2018-05-09 21:05 UTC, Loren Dias
test-3-screenshot (274.43 KB, image/png)
2018-05-09 21:05 UTC, Loren Dias
Pen Preset -- install to: ~/.local/share/krita/paintoppresets/Ink_gpen_25.kpp (26.71 KB, image/png)
2018-05-10 02:31 UTC, Loren Dias
Brush Soft Mask Issue (116.54 KB, image/png)
2018-05-17 02:42 UTC, Loren Dias

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Loren Dias 2018-05-09 20:05:29 UTC
Created attachment 112540 [details]
Screenshot of brush blobbing

Archlinux 4.16.5-1-ARCH (Kernel)

libinput 1.10.5-1

libevdev 1.5.9-1
xf86-input-evdev 2.10.5-1

libwacom 0.29-1
xf86-input-wacom 0.36.1-1

This occurs on a Wacom 21ux on 200 layer plus documents 800 megabyte (when opened) document created in 3.X and opened in 4.x.

I cannot confirm the problem on 150 megabyte new documents created in krita 4.x so far. More testing can be done if needed.
Comment 1 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 20:06:18 UTC
Created attachment 112541 [details]
Screen Recording of the bug
Comment 2 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 20:06:55 UTC
Created attachment 112542 [details]
Complete Archlinux package list ($pacman -Qe > ~/arch-linux-list.log)
Comment 3 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 20:22:21 UTC
Created attachment 112543 [details]
Comment 4 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 20:22:35 UTC
Created attachment 112544 [details]
Comment 5 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 20:22:51 UTC
Created attachment 112545 [details]
Comment 6 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 20:23:10 UTC
Created attachment 112546 [details]
$krita output
Comment 7 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 20:23:42 UTC
Created attachment 112547 [details]
screenshot of test #2
Comment 8 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 20:24:02 UTC
Created attachment 112548 [details]
video of test #2
Comment 9 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 21:04:49 UTC
Created attachment 112549 [details]
Comment 10 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 21:05:14 UTC
Created attachment 112550 [details]
Comment 11 Loren Dias 2018-05-09 21:05:32 UTC
Created attachment 112551 [details]
Comment 12 Quiralta 2018-05-09 22:45:15 UTC
I remember something like this way back (probably more than a year ago)and it was present only when using some stabilizing or the dynamic brush.

Right now I can't reproduce this on my Arch/Plasma box, but for starters I would suggest to remove evdev as libinput can handle tablets just fine. (unless you use a device that strictly requires it).

Also make sure no curves where modified for either the brush or the pen, unlikely but is worth to mention.
Comment 13 Loren Dias 2018-05-10 02:31:23 UTC
Created attachment 112554 [details]
Pen Preset -- install to: ~/.local/share/krita/paintoppresets/Ink_gpen_25.kpp
Comment 14 Loren Dias 2018-05-10 02:36:41 UTC
@Quiralta I have attached the specific brush to this bug report incase that helps.

I have uninstalled xf86-input-wacom and will see if the problem goes away.

I am unable to install libevdev. Archlinux comment says:

➜  ~ sudo pacman -Ss libevdev
extra/libevdev 1.5.9-1 [installed]
    Wrapper library for evdev devices

I think it may directly wrap evdev to libinput for legacy and be required.

I will try each of your suggestions to see if I can narrow it down.

To try to reproduce please use a large canvas heavy document (~800 Megabytes when opened) 1950 x 3232 @ 300 DPI.

I will report my progress.
Comment 15 Loren Dias 2018-05-17 02:42:36 UTC
Created attachment 112696 [details]
Brush Soft Mask Issue

I believe we have narrowed down the issue.

The issue only occurs when the the active brush (in this case gink_pen_25) has a brush setting "Mask Type" of "Soft".

We have removed evdev and confirmed that the issue is not present on krita-3.3.3-2 and confirmed that the issue follows the painttopresets pen by resetting the ~/.local/share/krita profile aswell.
Comment 16 Quiralta 2018-05-18 22:46:51 UTC
Based on your last screenshot I can tell you are not using the default curve (or a least not the one in the Krita3-pack that comes included in later versions.

I do can reproduce some "bubble" kind-of if I put little pressure (see my first screenshot) but again that seems like spacing value (set at auto) and look at the second screenshot set at 02, complete smoothness.

I would think that if this is the only preset you experience this, and only when you modify it, then is not a bug, but simply a matter of finding the good value for your tablet/pressure.

I do recommend to try other brushes and see if (in their original settings) bring the problem. Also this will not be a issue either with the drivers, there is no need to get rid of input-wacom as it brings more features to your tablet, although evdev is pretty much history specially on distros like Arch where is likely to go away sooner than expected.

First pic= shows bubbles and default settings for soft in mask type.

Second pic= shows no bubbles and changed spacing. (test strokes right under the settings dialog)

Sorry for the delayed response and I hope it helps you a little on how to sort this out, if you feel is the personal customization that gets things "wonky" and not a bug feel free to close as invalid :)
Comment 17 Quiralta 2018-06-12 14:11:51 UTC
Loren, will close this now, as it seems is a matter of settings, if you feel the settings should behave differently regardless, you can always bring the topic to the forums, where the people behind the brush presets can give you some tips/answers. :)
Comment 18 Loren Dias 2018-07-03 18:23:46 UTC
That's too bad. The problem is definitely in the brush engine and Krita itself.

The supplied .kpp performs one way on the old version and another on the new version.

The settings edit that I described was only a temporary workaround.
Comment 19 Quiralta 2018-07-03 20:24:31 UTC
(In reply to Loren Dias from comment #18)
> That's too bad. The problem is definitely in the brush engine and Krita
> itself.
> The supplied .kpp performs one way on the old version and another on the new
> version.
> The settings edit that I described was only a temporary workaround.

Hey, sorry if seems like it was closed for no reason, you can just reopen the bug if you feel that there is something wrong with the default settings of the brush, I understood that it was only when the settings were changed when the issue would occur thus thought it was a matter of calibration.

But if what you are saying is that the brush (if you mean the "engine" then every single pixel brush is also affected?) in its original state is having issues. Please open the bug, and see if someone else is experiencing the same. I still can't reproduce that behaving as mentioned in previous posts. Again, sorry for closing prematurely. :)
Comment 20 vanyossi 2018-07-04 02:26:47 UTC
I had that problem with my intuos 2 pen after it fell to the ground tip first :c.

The brush you attached works correctly on my genius tablet, There is no bubble from "a little bigger step than the others". however I did play a little with the settings and It might help to reduce the spikes to 2 (this makes no difference in appearance in circular brushes) and also remove the "softness" checkbox from the dynamics properties and achieve the softness from the curve alone. Using softness dynamics on the soft engine produces a double halo on some curves (Visible if you uncheck size and paint gently). the halo could produce the effect you are seeing, but testing with the setup I have I could not get any bubble.

you can try to see if the problem is the pen tablet information krita is reading by toggling on the tablet logging "Ctrl + Shift + T". Analize the output using this python tool @yoyobuae made(get it from here https://twitter.com/yoyobuae/status/1013094034313801728 and running the tool as instructed in the tweet). the curves will not be super smooth but the curve should not have abrupt bumps. (I know you said it was not any hardware issue, or driver. but it might have to do with processing speeds, only way to know is to peek at what krita is seeing)