13:08:28 - Bollebib_Laptop: […] there seems to be a small bug with overwrite brush 13:08:28 - Bollebib_Laptop: can you test it? 13:09:09 - Bollebib_Laptop: before when i save a brush with overwrite 13:10:04 - Bollebib_Laptop: it would store eraser size and brush size seperatly (with "eraser switch size" enabled) 13:10:06 - Bollebib_Laptop: now it doesnt So when you overwrite a brush, the eraser doesnt store a seperate size,it used to before So its a regression maybe linked to blacklist issue?
Scott, didn't you recently fix this?
I don't remember touching anything with saving specific settings to the KPP. Maybe Dmitry did?
Hi, Boud and Scott! I cannot see how this feature could work after my commit in March 2016. The eraser size is not saved into the preset. It is memory-only variable. void KisPaintOpSettings::setSavedEraserSize(qreal value) { setProperty("SavedEraserSize", value); setPropertyNotSaved("SavedEraserSize"); } The only possibility could be that since recently I reset the settings before loading, so these properties could get lost...
Git commit 29ad1486d81d23a0cfcfec4a893c419d45174af5 by Dmitry Kazakov. Committed on 07/05/2018 at 10:47. Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'master'. Fix keeping "eraser switch size/opacity" option when saving the brush Every reload operation resets our temporary fields of the preset, like "saved eraser size" and "saved eraser opacity". So we should avoid it without very high need. M +3 -1 libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_save.cpp https://commits.kde.org/krita/29ad1486d81d23a0cfcfec4a893c419d45174af5
Git commit e9c5c4938dbd0f31d5c376d8b8210a81ace7b8f9 by Dmitry Kazakov. Committed on 07/05/2018 at 10:47. Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/4.0'. Fix keeping "eraser switch size/opacity" option when saving the brush Every reload operation resets our temporary fields of the preset, like "saved eraser size" and "saved eraser opacity". So we should avoid it without very high need. M +3 -1 libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_save.cpp https://commits.kde.org/krita/e9c5c4938dbd0f31d5c376d8b8210a81ace7b8f9