Pressing either the right arrow or space bar, or whatever other way to call for next image...sometimes you get next image, but after a while it only scrolls the horizontal bar, and no next image anymore.
This report depend of the context to use : icon view, preview, table view, etc... In other word, please be more explicit to describe this problem. A screencast of digiKam in action can help to isolate exactly where the dysfunction appear... Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
From thumbnails select preview. A bar shows up at top. I make the bar as minimal as possible for more overview and bigger main picture. Could this be made a preference? Then start moving right on PNG's of 60-140MB. And that seems to be the issue. When moving quickly there is quite a delay in displaying it in the main part of the window. And sometimes it gets stuck, then you have to move to another image and move back. Is there a setting to increase caching? Implement a loading indicator might be helpful too.
digiKam 7.0.0 stable release is now published: We need a fresh feedback on this file using this version. Best Regards Gilles Caulier
This issue is about smart caching. Preloading the next x images from the current one to eliminate loading time. Is Digikam changed on this aspect? It feels a bit better now.
yes, it is. And Maik has also fixed more cache optimization recently for next 7.1.0. Gilles Caulier
Hi Sebas and happy new year, Can you check if problem remain with digiKam 7.5.0 pre-release Windows installer available here : Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
@Sebas digiKam 8.0.0 is out. This report still valid ? Best regards
Hello Gilles, It's been a while... Hope you are well. It seems to still be there to a certain extent, but it feels a lot faster/snappier than I remember. Good progress.
@Sebas, This problem still reproducible with the new digiKam 8.2.0 pre-release Windows installer available at usual place: This new bundle is based on last Qt framework 5.15.11 and KDE framework 5.110. Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
@Sebas, digiKam 8.2.0 for Windows is now compiled in native under VCPKG + MSVC toolchain. Installer is available here : Can you reproduce your dysfunctions with this version ? Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier