On the Investments page, Equities tab, mouse-over help says: "Summary of the equities contained in this account, showing your holdings and their most recent price". This used to be true in versions before 5. Now, I just get a list of equity names, no holding information. I suspect it's got resized out of the displayed window, but there's nothing I can grab to reduce the width of the name column. Actually, I tell a lie -I could grab something that looked like a RHS bar in the title bar and drag it, but nothing happened as a result. I guess the other columns are simply not there. Apart from that, so far, the transition form V4.8.1.1 has been painless.
[This is from memory, without checking, but ....] can you try right clicking on the header of the column with equity names, and see if you can then select the other columns to display. It seems the default in several displays is now to only show the first column, where perhaps it should be to show all.
Aha! That works, thanks. But I had to make a trivial change somewhere before I could save the file and make the altered display permanent. (sorry for the delayed response - I missed the notification of your comment)