It only tells “The session and all contained settings will be deleted” but doesn’t mention the session name. That defeats the purpose of the confirmation dialog, as you don’t know what exactly you confirm (it’s easy to push wrong button in the list as they are small and located near each other, but far from names).
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I want to contribute to this. And I am entirely new to open source development (this is gonna be my first) So can I get some hints? Like which part of the source code should I need to edit?
The easiest way to find code which belongs to a UI element is to use "git grep" with some part of the (English) text in the UI.
As far as I see, I somehow need to alter the dialogue that appears after clicking the delete button, if that session isn't locked by any PID. Maybe, I may have to change the dialogue box window title from "Delete Session" to "Delete Session (Insert name of session)". But going through the lines of code, I see that I can't modify the already declared method - i18nc - which accepts only two string arguments. If I try to modify that method, I will need to modify all those codes where this method call takes place. So what should be my approach?
@Sagnik: I'm not sure I understand. First of all: I wouldn't change the title of said dialog, it might need to expand too much in size in order to display a long session name. There's this line of code in sessionchooserdialog.cpp: const QString text = i18nc("@info", "The session and all contained settings will be deleted. The projects will stay unaffected. Do you really want to continue?"); Try changing it to: const QString text = i18nc("@info", "The session <i>%1</i> and all contained settings will be deleted. The projects will stay unaffected. Do you really want to continue?", sessionName); (You'll have to figure out how to find out the `sessionName` in that method, though).
I think it's something to do with m_model.(inside Can i know whether I am right or wrong? And sorry for any inconveniences caused, I am not at all familiar with Qt.
Yes, you can retrieve the session name from m_model by calling data() with index 1. See sessioncontroller.cpp, where this model is set up.
I have made some necessary changes. Can I get a review on this?
Hi, please submit your review requests on Thank you!
I submitted it sir:
Fixed in: