When I restore a session, e.g. log out and back in again, programs that were left open in a maximized state have the same size for both maximized and unmaximize states, and the unmaximized size is forgotten.
Session restore is unmaintained. Please do not expect a bug fix anytime soon.
Hello Martin, may I ask why session restore is enabled by default, if it is unmaintained? Never the less, it's only a small gripe. Thank you!
That is a good question and I don't know why it is enabled. Probably because it always has been enabled.
As a new KDE convert, maybe I can help with fresh perspective, that I find much of KDE very cutting edge and also refreshing, and I was excited when I learned about the idea of activities, and the first thing that came to my mind was, "With sessions, I can open everything up and position the windows exactly how I want them, and it will be just like waking from hibernation! This will be perfect." And all I can say is, KDE //ALMOST// does this, and no other DE even comes close or seeks to be ambitious in this area. So I am very surprised to hear this is on the back-burner, so to speak. Thanks. :)
Confirmed. FWIW there is a a similar problem on Wayland: BUG 437089.
I get the "same" bug, but I don't need to restore the session to have it happen. I noticed if I close an application like Discover in its maximized state and immediately after open it, if I click on the maximize button it doesn't remember its un-maximized state, meaning that clicking the button does nothing and I have to resize it manually.
The issue here is actually caused by the specific size-restoring behaviors of the programs themselves. Some of them inappropriately record their maximized geometry when they get maximized (instead of just the fact that they're now maximized) Which causes them to un-maximize to a size identical to their maximized size.
When you encounter this issue, we need new individual bug reports for each KDE app that's affected. And for 3rd-party apps, they need bug reports too. Can you do so? Thanks! Fortunately in my experience the issue is rarer with KDE apps now than it was a few years ago.