krita-4.1.0-pre-alpha-56b4749-x86_64.appimage I can't use mouse wheel to scroll the font drop-list in Krita's text editor.
I can reproduce this behavior with Krita 4.2.0-alpha (commit a794d32). Operating System: KDE neon Developer Edition KDE-Plasma-Version: 5.13.90 Qt-Version: 5.11.1 KDE-Frameworks-Version: 5.51.0
Could you please test this again with this appimage when it is finished building:
@Eoin I tested with krita-4.2.0-pre-alpha-9d7d596-x86_64.appimage (2018-10-15) Under Manjaro GNOME 17.1.12 (Gnome 3.30) It is still not working. P.S. I'm sorry for the late reply! The spam mail filter of my mail provider treated the frequent notification mails from KDE as spams and I missed a bunch of them! I turned the whole thing OFF now.
Looks like this isn't specific to that combobox. On Linux, our own XCB implementation breaks wheel events. If we switch to Qt's implementation, we find a couple of other bugs. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 399379 ***