With the Krita 4.0.0 appimage, if you try to import a bundle that has just been created or has just been imported, an error message says that it does not exist. If you create a bundle then close krita, you can restart it then import the bundle to get two active copies shown. After that you get the 'does not exist' error message if you try to import it again. After another restart, there is only one bundle showing as active. This seems to be a minor logical/presentation problem problem.
What are you trying to achieve by doing this? What were the results you were expecting by importing a bundle that you just created? I am not sure if you are talking about multiple bugs, or just one bug in this ticket. Try to keep one bug per ticket otherwise it gets really confusing to understand and solve.
I was expecting it to say that the bundle was already in krita. It is confusing for anyone who is trying to create bundles and test/check them. I would agree that it has no practical purpose overall but it is a possible cause of confusion since the error message is incorrect.
Please feel free to reject the report for whatever reason.
I can confirm the issue, and krita should handle this more gracefully.
Git commit fe3d2f4ac0217b338fd10e6a319250ba0facbf13 by Halla Rempt. Committed on 26/03/2021 at 13:20. Pushed by rempt into branch 'master'. Improve adding an existing bundle Instead of getting into a loop asking for a different name, offer to overwrite or not. M +14 -3 libs/resources/KisResourceLocator.cpp M +2 -1 libs/resources/KisResourceLocator.h M +2 -1 libs/resources/KisStorageModel.cpp M +6 -13 plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_bundle_manager.cpp https://invent.kde.org/graphics/krita/commit/fe3d2f4ac0217b338fd10e6a319250ba0facbf13