Often, the "Unknown" faces will quickly populate, and sometimes lots of unfamiliar faces will appear there. You might not want to delete them right away, since you can ask a relative or friend to help you with their names, but you want to hide them for a while. An "Ignored" group of faces would solve that situation. All detected faces that you don't want to deal with immediately could go there, and not interfere with the face tagging of faces that you actually know. A partial solution is currently creating a new dummy person and assign all ignored faces to it, but I am afraid of confusing the face recognizer if I do that.
Would be helpful to know at least for sure if creating a dummy person as suggested is going to confuse the recognizing algorithm. Seems pretty presumable.
I'd like this too. Even better if the recognition algorithm could then also suggest that label if it doesn't find a decent match.
*** Bug 415786 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 295334 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 418757 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Gilles, this bug report may be closed now. I have added the Ignored Tag Category. Kartik