In krita-4.1.0-pre-alpha-a41aeb7-x86_64, The Text tool input dialogue box pops up on a different monitor than Krita's. I don't know how Krita determines the placement of the input dialogue box. On my PC I have two monitors aligned vertically, monitor 2 is a normal display, monitor 1 is a Cintiq. It always pops up on monitor 2. Maybe it always pops up on the top monitor? But the problem is -- this is very confusing because when the dialogue box is popped up, the main window becomes unresponsive but not grayed-out. And since my attention is on the lower monitor where Krita's main windows is, I do not notice a new dialogue on another screen. I would assume Krita was locked up. I believe this is especially confusing for first time users. I suggest we force Text Tool dialogue to start up within Krita's main window. Same goes for all Krita's pop up dialogues.
Well... We don't actually determine the position of any dialog box. That's done by the window manager, and we can try to influence that position, but we cannot forece the window manager's decision about positioning dialogs.
Then I hope we can do it like GIMP instead of a dialogue there a technical limitation here that we can't do that?
Well, the reason we put the editor in a tool window instead of implementing on-canvas editing is to make sure that there are no conflicts in the shortcuts between the main krita window and the text editor. The window is marked as Qt::Tool so the window manager "should" place it on the same monitor as the main window...
So can we display a overlay message on the canvas saying "Text Editor Started (big font size) If you don't see it, it may be on another screen (small font size) " then fade out in 0.5 - 1 second? In this way at least we teach new user what happened.
As we cannot determine the popup box ourselves, we cannot really fix the root problem. I am therefore going to transform this into a wish about wanting a message to tell the user that the dialog might pop up on another screen.
I changed the Text Editor Input tool to a modal window, the idea is to be able to eventually update the text with less travels to the "apply/ok" button. With this change the main window never enters a blocked state. While this does not ensure the text input editor is placed in the current screen, it avoids blocking the interface. There is not, and should not be any conflicts with shortcuts of main krita as the editor was promoted to an Application window (some time before me making it modal) to allow menus. Marking as fixed.
Thank you vanyossi! :)