Bug 390858 - When compositing is disabled, switching to another virtual desktop with Kicker open prevents it from showing again
Summary: When compositing is disabled, switching to another virtual desktop with Kicke...
Alias: None
Product: plasmashell
Classification: Plasma
Component: Application Launcher (Kickoff) widget (show other bugs)
Version: 5.11.5
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: 1.0
Assignee: David Edmundson
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Reported: 2018-02-21 18:11 UTC by Clemens Eisserer
Modified: 2021-02-06 04:33 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Description Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-21 18:11:46 UTC
From time to time, the application launcher does no longer open when I left-click on it - until I logout & login again:


I have a dual-monitor setup, running Fedora 27 on an AMD kaveri based system (7650k).
Comment 1 Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-22 09:16:40 UTC
It were these kinds of bugs that made me leave KDE back in the 4x days, now after 6 years using XFCE it is sad to see quality hasn't improved that much.

I've already filed a dozen of crash reports via Fedora automatic bug reporter, since I started using it a month a go.
Comment 2 Kai Uwe Broulik 2018-02-22 09:32:17 UTC
Did you, by chance, use the "minimize all" feature/plasmoid?
Comment 3 Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-22 09:38:24 UTC
not knowingly, can it be triggered by accident?

I initially thought maybe the menu is shown on the wrong screen (in a hidden area because of the lower resolution of my 2nd screen) - but this is also not the case.

It simply doesn't appear :/
Comment 4 Nate Graham 2018-02-22 14:22:35 UTC
I have to admit that I've seen this happen one or two times, too. Never been able to figure out what triggers it, and I've never been able to reproduce on command. I don't have any 3rd party widgets or scripts or anything like that.
Comment 5 Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-22 15:19:06 UTC
I experience the issue almost every time.

Funny enough, for fallback reasons I've added the smaller application menu - and after some time it now exhibits the same issue. So I have two icons, application starter and application menu, both not displaying :/
Comment 6 Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-22 15:24:46 UTC
another thing I noted: when I remove such a mis-behaving application menu (hover mouse above, wait for popup and click red "x" icon), the plugin is removed.
When I now choose "revert", it is restored, it still doesn't work.

In case I remove it completle and add a new one, it works again.
Comment 7 Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-22 16:40:35 UTC
Found out what is causing this:

When I switch the virtual desktop while the application / launcher is shown, it is left in broken state.
Comment 8 Rex Dieter 2018-02-22 17:12:24 UTC
For what it's worth, that trigger recipe is not reproducible for me on my fedora 27 box.
Comment 9 Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-22 17:22:54 UTC
> For what it's worth, that trigger recipe is not reproducible
> for me on my fedora 27 box.

Funny, I've just verified it has nothing to do with my multi-monitor setup.
Just took my SSD and bootet it in my laptop (single-screen), same behaviour.
Comment 10 Rex Dieter 2018-02-22 17:25:18 UTC
To be clear,
* how exactly are you switching virtual desktops ? (I tested both clicking and keyboard shortcuts)

* mind verifying versions of installed components?
rpm -q qt5-qtbase kf5-plasma plasma-workspace

I'm testing with:
Comment 11 Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-22 17:40:58 UTC
> how exactly are you switching virtual desktops
By clicking on the virtual desktop chooser

kf5-plasma is a little bit older on my machine:


I'll enable updates-testing and report back
Comment 12 Nate Graham 2018-02-22 17:46:00 UTC
FWIW, I cannot reproduce with any method of switching between virtual desktops either. But I am using Plasma 5.12.2 and Frameworks 5.43.
Comment 13 Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-22 18:12:01 UTC
video of the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xznM6m2IUAU&feature=youtu.be

updated to updates-testing:

... issue is still existant.

Is there anything I can do to diagnose this issue?
Comment 14 Clemens Eisserer 2018-02-23 09:33:27 UTC
another finding: doesn't make a difference whether I have the application menu in the taskbar or on the desktop, broken behaviour is the same.
Comment 15 Nate Graham 2018-02-24 14:43:29 UTC
Thanks for the video showing how you can reproduce the issue. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce it on my Kubuntu 17.10 (Plasma 5.12.2) machine when I follow the same steps. It works just fine when I click on the pager while the menu is open.
Comment 16 Alexander Mentyu 2018-03-09 14:15:37 UTC
Can reproduce in:

Plasma: 5.12.2
Apps: 17.12.2
Frameworks: 5.43.0
Qt: 5.10.1
Kernel: 4.14.22-1-MANJARO
OS: Netrunner Rolling
Comment 17 Alexander Mentyu 2018-03-09 14:17:35 UTC
Sorry my prev comment is wrong - i can't reproduce this issue - i set up two virtual desktop one on top of other - tried to switch virtual desktops while App Launcher is opened and reopen it again - App Launcher opens every time - same for desktop applet
Comment 18 Clemens Eisserer 2018-03-09 20:54:43 UTC
I finally found the root cause of this issue: I am using kwin/kde with no compositor.

When I enable the compositor, the application menu behaves as expected - when I start plasma with the compositor disabled it is broken once I switch to another virtual desktop while the menu was open.
Comment 19 Nate Graham 2018-03-12 02:47:18 UTC
Yep, can confirm. Steps to reproduce:
1. Have at least two virtual desktops
2. Disable compositor on startup (System Settings > Display & Monitor > Compositor Uncheck "Enable compositor on startup")
3. Reboot
4. Open your menu (kicker kickoff, SimpleMenu, whatever)
5. Use a keyboard shortcut to switch desktops
6. Boom, menu no longer launches until plasmashell is restarted or you re-enable the compositor.
Comment 20 Alexander Mentyu 2018-03-12 07:17:04 UTC
Just retested - was able to reproduce only once - not by shortcut - but by clicking on Pager in the Panel - with Kicker as menu

Plasma: 5.12.2
Apps: 17.12.2
Frameworks: 5.43.0
Qt: 5.10.1
Kernel: 4.14.25-1-MANJARO
OS: Netrunner Rolling
Comment 21 Clemens Eisserer 2018-04-16 06:04:43 UTC
There are use-cases where disabling the compositor makes actually sense - like running inside VirtualBox on a 4k monitor setup. 

Now imagine the outrage if Windows-7 would not open the start-menu after a few times in case the user decides to disable Aero. Too bad even core components are that buggy :/
Comment 22 Nate Graham 2021-01-07 19:17:51 UTC
Can you see if this is fixed with the new Kickoff UI in Plasma 5.21 (currently in git master)? A lot of this code was rewritten which means there's a chance it got fixed in the process.

Comment 23 Bug Janitor Service 2021-01-22 04:33:15 UTC
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Comment 24 Bug Janitor Service 2021-02-06 04:33:14 UTC
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