Normally, when you navigate via the keyboard arrow keys from one article to the next or previous article, the corresponding webpage should be shown in the content pane. But instead, the content pane keeps showing the same page. More specifically : the selected line in the article list is correctly changed, but the corresponding article content is not updated. Until a few months ago, navigating via the keyboard arrows did work as expected.
I've just tested this in Akregator version 5.16.3 (20.12.3) and I can't reproduce this issue. Can you please confirm if this issue is still occurring in a recent version of Akregator? I've set this bug to NEEDSINFO. When you reply, please change the bug back to REPORTED so we know it's ready for investigation or RESOLVED/WORKSFORME if the issue is now resolved.
Hi, this was an issue I noticed back in 2018. I cannot say since when it is solved, but I didn't see the problem for a long time now, so ... it can be closed.