This will remove it from the Settings page's header, which will let us put the window title there and rename it to be "Sources".
Where would you put this, in master? Would it make sense to move this menu as a context action in the featured page?
Honestly I'd add a real menu bar with a full "Help" menu. The issue is that this isn't really page-specific at all; it's global. No matter where we put it, if it's not globally-available, it's not really the right location. As a next-best option, we could put it on the globalDrawer, which is our only other mostly-globally-visible UI element.
After all the work we've done to save the work the banner used, I'm not wasting 50px of vertical space only to add a menu bar with just the one menu with 2 items. They may be global, but they don't need to be accessible at all times. Remember we are talking about "About Discover" and "Report a bug".
Putting it in the global drawer makes perfect sense. As Nate said, it's not specific to any page, which is exactly what the global drawer is for.
Git commit 078dd8e1096b307f44639e5c95d1dae7f1ca5039 by Aleix Pol. Committed on 08/11/2018 at 17:18. Pushed by apol into branch 'master'. Move settings contextual menu into the drawer, under "Help" M +17 -0 discover/qml/DiscoverDrawer.qml M +0 -5 discover/qml/SourcesPage.qml