It would be quite useful to have "Lens" (text description of the type of lens used) as an available Tool-Tip item under "Icon Items"/"Photograph Information".
This kind of incformation to display in tooltip is problematic. Typically, Lens details can be multiple for a same Lens ID decoded in Exif Makernotes. currently this information is show with "|" separator when more than one lens is possible with the same ID. The result is a very long string which cannot be suitable in Tooltips, because this will be truncated. A work around can be possible in low level Exiv2 shared lib used by digiKam to catch the Lens description where a more indeed work must be done to be more precise about the right lens used while shooting photo. ExifTool is able to perform this job, but not yet Exiv2. This problem must be reported in Exiv2 bugzilla for a future improvement (perhaps the entry already exists, i don't know). Gilles Caulier
(In reply to caulier.gilles from comment #1) > This kind of incformation to display in tooltip is problematic. > > Typically, Lens details can be multiple for a same Lens ID decoded in Exif > Makernotes. currently this information is show with "|" separator when more > than one lens is possible with the same ID. The result is a very long string > which cannot be suitable in Tooltips, because this will be truncated. > OK... I wasn't aware of the possibility of multiple lens with the same ID Would be possible to implement the "Lens" tool-tip as an experimental feature, and if it's found one or more (users) lenses are being misidentified, for the user to then create a identification file "~/.exiv2" as outlined here: and further discussed in this issue:
Created attachment 110000 [details] lensinfo.png This is a small test of what it would look like. As you can see, there are only a few signs left and with this lens the type is still unknown by the abbreviation. A two line view might be possible. Maik
Created attachment 110001 [details] lensinfo2.png Already more to read from the lens name, but the line break should be made only while spaces... Maik
Yes, I see the secondary problem of a long descriptive name being truncated, I'd not considered that. I like the two line idea, (with the line break occurring only on white space, or hyphen, perhaps). Personally I'd like to see it implemented, I feel it would be a worthwhile addition even with it's limitations. Thanks for your consideration and time :)
Git commit 0afd5e05e83c25fb2e1ec131d8b4dddc816625bd by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 20/01/2018 at 22:37. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. show lens information in the tooltip FIXED-IN: 5.9.0 M +2 -1 NEWS M +27 -0 app/utils/tooltipfiller.cpp M +2 -0 libs/settings/applicationsettings.cpp M +3 -0 libs/settings/applicationsettings.h M +3 -0 libs/settings/applicationsettings_p.cpp M +2 -0 libs/settings/applicationsettings_p.h M +11 -0 libs/settings/applicationsettings_tooltips.cpp M +17 -7 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp
Git commit adc32f7be28bdd2fd3737ed3a005e1909cae0b2e by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 21/01/2018 at 10:57. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. show lens information in the import tooltip M +26 -0 utilities/importui/items/importtooltipfiller.cpp M +18 -0 utilities/importui/main/importsettings.cpp M +3 -0 utilities/importui/main/importsettings.h M +14 -4 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp
Git commit 15ccae35c8ff834c1f1db5d609a3fbcac79623d5 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 21/01/2018 at 11:58. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. show lens information in the showFoto tooltip M +15 -0 showfoto/main/showfotosettings.cpp M +3 -0 showfoto/main/showfotosettings.h M +9 -0 showfoto/setup/showfotosetuptooltip.cpp M +27 -0 showfoto/thumbbar/showfototooltipfiller.cpp M +1 -0 utilities/importui/items/importtooltipfiller.cpp
Thanks, appreciated. :)
Note : you can test the new tooltips feature with the Linux AppImage bundle 5.9.0 : Gilles Caulier