The camera name suffix " (auto-detected)" is not translatable. It is visible in UI in the Import->Cameras menu. utilities/importui/views/cameranamehelper.cpp:static const QString STR_AUTO_DETECTED(QLatin1String("auto-detected"));
I'm not sure but this string from utilities/importui/views/cameranamehelper.cpp is used in a regular expression, and i think it cannot be translated as well. Gilles Caulier
Yes, and the string is used in an IF condition. Maik
This string has moved into core/utilities/import/views/cameranamehelper.cpp, but is still untranslatable.
digiKam 7.0.0 stable release is now published: We need a fresh feedback on this file using this version. Best Regards Gilles Caulier
The string is still hard-coded in English:
Maik, To fix the problem i suppose that regex string "auto-detected" and the menu string declarations must be separated to make last one translatable. Gilles
Git commit dc8798e1e583ba58600237988cd5928aa4292de5 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 18/08/2020 at 20:21. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. it should be safe to translate this string FIXED-IN: 7.1.0 M +2 -1 NEWS M +5 -1 core/utilities/import/views/cameranamehelper.cpp