This bug has also been described on Redhats Bugzilla List Additional info to this When I try to start in from konsole I get the following output $ konqueror HTML : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n \"\">\n\n<html xmlns=\"\">\n<head>\n\t<BASE HREF=\"file:/usr/share/konqueror/about/\">\n\n <meta name=\"generator\" content=\n \"HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1st August 2004), see\" />\n\n <style type=\"text/css\">\n /*<![CDATA[*/\n @import \"file:///usr/share/kf5/infopage/kde_infopage.css\"; /* kde_infopage.css */\n /* maybe @import \"kde_infopage_rtl.css\"; */\n @import \"konq.css\";\n /*]]>*/\n </style>\n\n <title>Freiheit genießen!</title>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n <div id=\"header\">\n <div id=\"headerL\"></div>\n <div id=\"headerR\"></div>\n\n <div id=\"title\">\n Konqueror <!-- Konqueror -->\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"tagline\">\n Freiheit genießen! <!-- Be free -->\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <!-- the bar -->\n <div id=\"bar\">\n <div id=\"barT\"><div id=\"barTL\"></div><div id=\"barTR\"></div><div id=\"barTC\"></div></div>\n <div id=\"barL\">\n <div id=\"barR\">\n <div id=\"barCenter\" class=\"bar_text\">\n Konqueror ist ein Webbrowser, Dateiverwaltung und universeller Dokumentenbetrachter. <br />\n <!-- Konqueror is your file manager, web browser and universal document viewer. -->\n <ul>\n <li><a class=\"selected\">Einstiegspunkte<!--launch--></a></li>\n <li><a href=\"about:konqueror/intro\">Einführung<!-- intro --></a></li>\n <li><a href=\"about:konqueror/tips\">Tipps</a><!--tips--></li>\n <li><a href=\"about:konqueror/specs\">Leistungsmerkmale<!-- specs --></a></li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div id=\"barB\"><div id=\"barBL\"></div><div id=\"barBR\"></div><div id=\"barBC\"></div></div>\n </div>\n\n <!-- the main text box -->\n <div id=\"box\"><div id=\"boxT\"><div id=\"boxTL\"></div><div id=\"boxTR\"></div><div id=\"boxTC\"></div></div>\n <div id=\"boxL\">\n <div id=\"boxR\">\n <div id=\"boxCenter\">\n\t<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\">\n\t <tr>\n\t <td valign=\"bottom\">\n\t\t<a href=\"file:///home/buchinger\"><img src=\"file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/places/32/user-home.svg\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" /></a>\n\t\t</td>\n\t <td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 6px;\">\n\t\t <a href=\"file:///home/buchinger\">Persönlicher Ordner</a><br><span id=\"subtext\"><nobr>Ihre persönlichen Dateien</span>\n\t\t</td>\n <td nowrap> </td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t <a href=\"trash:/\"><img src=\"file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/places/32/user-trash-full.svg\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" /></a>\n\t\t</td>\n\t <td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 6px;\">\n\t\t <a href=\"trash:/\">Papierkorb</a><br><span id=\"subtext\"><nobr>Inhalt des Papierkorbs durchsuchen und wiederherstellen</span>\n\t\t </td>\n </tr>\n <tr><td colspan=\"5\" height=\".25em\"> </td></tr>\n\t <tr>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t <a href=\"remote:/\"><img src=\"file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/places/32/folder-remote.svg\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" /></a>\n\t\t</td>\n\t <td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 6px;\">\n\t\t <a href=\"remote:/\">Netzwerkordner</a><br><span id=\"subtext\"><nobr>Gemeinsame Dateien und Ordner</span>\n\t\t </td>\n <td width=\"1em\"> </td>\n\t\t <td>\n\t\t <a href=\"bookmarks:/\"><img src=\"file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/actions/32/bookmarks.svg\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" /></a>\n </td>\n\t <td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 6px;\">\n\t\t <a href=\"bookmarks:/\">Lesezeichen</a><br><span id=\"subtext\"><nobr>Schnellzugriff auf Ihre Lesezeichen</span>\n\t\t </td>\n\t\t</tr>\n <tr><td colspan=\"5\" height=\".25em\"> </td></tr>\n\t\t </table>\n\t\t <p id=\"nextlink\"><a href=\"about:konqueror/intro\"><img src=\"file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/actions/16/go-next.svg\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"> Es folgt: Eine Einführung in Konqueror\n\t\t\t<!-- Continue --></a></p>\n\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div id=\"boxB\"><div id=\"boxBL\"></div><div id=\"boxBR\"></div><div id=\"boxBC\"></div></div>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"footer\"><div id=\"footerL\"></div><div id=\"footerR\"></div></div>\n</body>\n</html>\n<!-- vim:set sw=2 et nocindent smartindent: -->\n" kf5.kio.core: Refilling KProtocolInfoFactory cache in the hope to find "" KonqFrame(0x55eb9c2dbf70) QObject(0x0) [1218/] Failed to open file: /tmp/.gl74vJSL (deleted) Error: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden QUrl("about:blank") finishedLoading "file:///usr/share/kf5/infopage/kde_infopage.css" finishedLoading "file:///usr/share/konqueror/about/konq.css" QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called Selection[ Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) 1 ] Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Selection[ Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) 1 ] 0 [character:baseIsStart] true Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Selection[ Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) 1 ] Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Selection[ Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) 1 ] 0 [character:baseIsStart] true Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Selection[ Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) 1 ] Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Selection[ Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) 1 ] 0 [character:baseIsStart] true Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) After closing the Konqueror window (No matter what way, except killing it with fire) the process on konsole is not ended. When I try to start it on another konsole window I get QCommandLineParser: argument list cannot be empty, it should contain at least the executable name Only if i end the process with Ctrl+C I am able to restart konqueror.
A workaround, working at here, Konqueror settings > Performance > Disable the 'Always try to have one preloaded instance'. Earlier: KDE Forums -
That does the trick (this time). But as you said this can only be a workaround.
Thank you for reporting this issue in KDE software. As it has been a while since this issue was reported, can we please ask you to see if you can reproduce the issue with a recent software version? If you can reproduce the issue, please change the status to "REPORTED" when replying. Thank you!
Dear Bug Submitter, This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: If you have already provided the requested information, please mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is ready to be confirmed. Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!