Bug 387765 - K3b says that blu-ray ISO is not recognizable
Summary: K3b says that blu-ray ISO is not recognizable
Alias: None
Product: k3b
Classification: Applications
Component: Image Formats (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: k3b developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-12-10 10:31 UTC by Patrick Silva
Modified: 2018-04-06 13:25 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

screenshot (80.77 KB, image/png)
2018-01-20 20:08 UTC, Patrick Silva

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Patrick Silva 2017-12-10 10:31:17 UTC
I'm trying to burn a blu-ray iso file created on windows 7 using nero burning rom software, but K3b shows this message:
"Type of image file is not recognizable. Do you want to burn it anyway?"

I can mount and read the same ISO file using cdemu client.

Arch Linux, K3b 17.11.90
Comment 1 Leslie Zhai 2017-12-13 01:32:49 UTC
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 344392 ***
Comment 2 Patrick Silva 2017-12-13 02:29:49 UTC
Hi Leslie
I think my report is not a duplicare of bug 344392.

344392 was fixed more than 1 year ago and the error messages described in 344392 and here are different.

Maybe Thomas can comment something.
Comment 3 Leslie Zhai 2017-12-13 02:35:52 UTC
Thomas has already reviewed src/misc/k3bimagewritingdialog.cpp, which produced the message as you reported, and he introduced a new image type RAW https://github.com/KDE/k3b/commits/master/src/misc/k3bimagewritingdialog.cpp
Comment 4 Patrick Silva 2017-12-13 02:57:00 UTC
Well, I can't burn bd25 iso on my computer using K3b...
Comment 5 Thomas Schmitt 2017-12-13 08:57:59 UTC

this is not really the field where i am expert. C++ dyslexia and such ... 

K3B issues the warning message if it encounters an image which it
classifies as IMAGE_UNKNOWN.
In the course of bug 344392, the changesets
introduced a new classification IMAGE_RAW which is set when the
warning appears and the user confirms that burning shall go on.

In my git clone of K3B and on
i see:

        if (d->foundImageType == IMAGE_UNKNOWN) {
            if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this,
                                           i18n("Type of image file is not recognizable. Do you want to burn it anyway?"),
                                           i18n("Unknown image type")) == KMessageBox::Yes) {
                d->foundImageType = IMAGE_RAW;
                d->imageFile = path;

The decisive line is the one that mentions IMAGE_RAW.
Do you have it in your local K3B source ?

The consequence of this setting should be in 
    case IMAGE_RAW:
    case IMAGE_ISO:
        K3b::Iso9660ImageWritingJob* job_ = new K3b::Iso9660ImageWritingJob( &dlg );

Do you see this double "case" statement in your local source ?


If the local code is up to date, then we need more information.

- How does the program react after you confirm that the image shall be
  burned indeed ? Any further messages ?

- Does
                d->foundImageType = IMAGE_RAW;
  get executed after the warning dialog ?
  (A debug message would bring clarity.)

- Does program execution get to
  If so, what is the value of
  (A debug message before
      switch( d->currentImageType() ) {
   could bring clarity.)


Have a nice day :)

Comment 6 Thomas Schmitt 2017-12-13 11:51:33 UTC

another interesting point is why your image is not recognized as IMAGE_ISO
by K3B.

What do you get from command "file" ?

  file /path/to/image/file

The following code reasoning and your mentioning of Nero brings me to the
suspicion that you have a .NRG image.

If not K3B can unpack it automagically, then you first need to retrieve
the image payload from the .NRG. This payload would then be an ISO 9660
or UDF filesystem image.
There is a tool named "nrg2iso". On a Debian derivate it should be available
as binary package. Like:

No for my doubt that we have any kind of ISO 9660 filesystem image here:

The recognition of ISO 9660 filesystems is done in
        K3b::Iso9660 isoF( path );
        if( isoF.open() ) {
            d->foundImageType = IMAGE_ISO;

The .open() function is implemented in

Reasons for returning "false" would be
        if( !m_filename.isEmpty() )
        else if( d->fd > 0 )
        else if( d->cdDevice ) {
            return false;
    d->isOpen = d->backend->open();
    if( !d->isOpen )
        return false;
    desc = ReadISO9660( &K3b::Iso9660::read_callback, d->startSector, this );

    if (!desc) {
        qDebug() << "K3b::Iso9660::openArchive no volume descriptors";
        return false;

The first occasion would be that not suitable pointer to the image file
is given: Neither name, nor file descriptor number, nor a CD device.

The second occasion is that opening as ISO 9660 fails.
  bool K3b::Iso9660FileBackend::open()
looks like a C++ bloat of POSIX function open(2).
So it would fail only if there is no file or no permission to read it.

The third occasion is during inspection of the ISO 9660 filesystem
Volume Descriptors. The 2048-byte blocks are read beginning at d->startSector
until the end marking Volume Descriptor (ISO_VD_END) is read. Those sectors
which were identified as ISO 9660 superblock (ISO_VD_PRIMARY), El Torito Boot
Record (ISO_VD_BOOT), or Joliet superblock (ISO_VD_SUPPLEMENTARY) have been
put into a list.
If no such sectors were found, then the return value is NULL and triggers
the message "K3b::Iso9660::openArchive no volume descriptors".

UDF filesystems are supposed to have a ISO 9660 superblock for backward
compatibility. So an UDF image would yield a non-empty list and thus
be perveived by the caller of ReadISO9660 as IMAGE_ISO.

Have a nice day :)

Comment 7 Patrick Silva 2017-12-13 12:31:04 UTC
(In reply to Thomas Schmitt from comment #6)

> What do you get from command "file" ?
>   file /path/to/image/file
Hi Thomas

result of "file file.iso" command is "file.iso: data"
Comment 8 Patrick Silva 2017-12-13 12:36:07 UTC
(In reply to Thomas Schmitt from comment #6)
> the suspicion that you have a .NRG image.

it's not the case. My image is an ISO file.
Comment 9 Patrick Silva 2017-12-13 12:44:30 UTC
this inormation appears in terminal when I select the iso file

K3b::Iso9660::openArchive no volume descriptors
(K3b::CloneTocReader) could not open file  "/mnt/WIN7/Users/Strangiato/Desktop/file.iso.toc"
(K3b::CueFileParser) could not open file  "/mnt/WIN7/Users/Strangiato/Desktop/file.iso.cue"
Error loading text-to-speech plug-in "speechd"

My ISO file system is UDF.
Comment 10 Thomas Schmitt 2017-12-13 13:21:55 UTC

regardless of the question why K3B does not recognize the image file as
ISO 9660 there stays the question whether and why it then really refuses
to write.
So please answer the question what happened after you got the warning
  "Type of image file is not recognizable. Do you want to burn it anyway?"
Did you answer "Yes" ?

If you only have BD-R media, then better wait with a new attempt until we
solved the file format riddle.
If you have a BD-RE, then please repeat your burn attempt and record as
many info as possible until it really refuses (or starts to burn).

Now for the ISO riddle:

> My image is an ISO file.
> My ISO file system is UDF.

To all accounts it is not.
Program "file" should say "... ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem ..." or
"... UDF filesystem ..." if an ISO 9660 superblock was present.

(As said, UDFs have a ISO superblock which might only lead to one file
 saying: "This is UDF and not ISO 9660. Mount as UDF to see more files.")

> K3b::Iso9660::openArchive no volume descriptors

That's ReadISO9660() confirming what program "file" says.

Another test would be to try to mount the image file on GNU/Linux.
I bet the reply is much like:
  "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock ..."

From initial message
> I can mount and read the same ISO file using cdemu client.

This does not exclude .NRG:
  "It enables you to use other disk image formats that contain more than
   just the standard ISO-9660 filesystem, for instance .bin/.cue, .nrg,
   or .ccd images. "

According to wikipedia, a .NRG file is recognizable by its final 12 bytes.
Try this:

  end=$(ls -l file.iso | awk '{print $5}')
  start=$(expr $end - 12)
  echo $start

This should tell a large number in the range of 25 billion. Then read
12 bytes from that position of the file:

  dd bs=1 skip=$start count=12 if=file.iso | od -c

If you then read "... N   E   R   O ..." or "N   E   R   5 ...", then
it is an .NRG file (which probably contains your ISO/UDF).

> (K3b::CloneTocReader) could not open file  "/mnt/WIN7/Users/Strangiato/Desktop/file.iso.toc"
> (K3b::CueFileParser) could not open file  "/mnt/WIN7/Users/Strangiato/Desktop/file.iso.cue"

Might be that K3B looks for other input formats which it understands.
.CUE and .TOC are description files for CD layouts. They are usually
accompanied by one or more data files with payload.
Well, we already know that this is not the case here.

Have a nice day :)

Comment 11 Patrick Silva 2017-12-13 13:47:17 UTC
I have no BD-RE available.
K3b shows "Type of image file is not recognizable. Do you want to burn it anyway?" immediately after I select the ISO file in "burn image" window. I don't need to start the burning process. I answered "Yes" and no new information appeared in terminal.

Command "dd bs=1 skip=$start count=12 if=file.iso | od -c" says
dd: invalid number: “”

I ran this command to mount my ISO
sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt/imagemiso
ISO was successfully mounted and I can read its files.

sudo mount -t udf -o loop file.iso /mnt/imagemiso says
"fail to configure loop device to file.iso"
Comment 12 Patrick Silva 2017-12-13 14:14:33 UTC
Sorry, "sudo mount -t udf -o loop file.iso /mnt/imagemiso" previously failed because kernel update.
The command worked after I restart my computer.
Comment 13 Thomas Schmitt 2017-12-13 14:58:52 UTC

the main riddle now is why the image is not copied to medium after
the warning has been accepted and overridden by the user.

I propose you create some dummy image file and make test with CDemu
whether K3B accepts it for burning. The dummy could be e.g. a compressed
tar archive. Maybe you can read and verify it from CDemu after the
burn run looks successful.


> "sudo mount -t udf -o loop file.iso /mnt/imagemiso" [...] worked after
> I restart my computer.

If the ones say that it is not an ISO 9660 but mount can mount it as UDF,
then there remains only one explanation: It is an UDF without ISO 9660
superblock. Quite exotic and not deserving the name file.iso but rather
(I only have UDFs from mkisofs and Microsoft Inc. DVDs. They all have
 ISO 9660 superblocks.)

What do you get from
  mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/imagemiso
If this refuses then we really have such an UDF.

Userland programmers are surprised:

I am trying to decipher the magic number definition of "file" for
ISO and UDF at e.g.
It looks like the UDF/ISO 9660 distinction by "NSR0" is done only
after a "CDROM Filesystem" was detected by the signature of an ISO 9660
superblock. (The latter starts the former by
  >0    use     cdrom
See man 5 magic, pseudo-types "use" and "name".)

K3B, too, seems to regard UDF as an extension to ISO 9660.

> dd: invalid number: “”

Something did not work with my proposal to determine the byte number
12 bytes before file end. Maybe you could compute it by hand and insert it
into the command line
  dd bs=1 skip=$start count=12 if=file.iso | od -c

Well, since mount -t udf works, my NRG theory loses its probability.

Have a nice day :)

Comment 14 Thomas Schmitt 2017-12-13 15:03:53 UTC

@Dr. Chapatin:
Did you verify that your K3B source does have these lines in

        if (d->foundImageType == IMAGE_UNKNOWN) {
            if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this,
                                           i18n("Type of image file is not recognizable. Do you want to burn it anyway?"),
                                           i18n("Unknown image type")) == KMessageBox::Yes) {
                d->foundImageType = IMAGE_RAW;
                d->imageFile = path;

The current git state is in

Have a nice day :)

Comment 15 Patrick Silva 2017-12-13 15:13:14 UTC
(In reply to Thomas Schmitt from comment #13)
> What do you get from
>   mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/imagemiso
> ?
> If this refuses then we really have such an UDF.
I get this
mount: /mnt/imagemiso: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop8, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
Comment 16 Patrick Silva 2017-12-13 15:53:39 UTC
(In reply to Thomas Schmitt from comment #14)
> Hi,
> @Dr. Chapatin:
> Did you verify that your K3B source does have these lines in
> in
>   src/misc/k3bimagewritingdialog.cpp
> ?
Sorry, can you tell me how I can do it?
I use Arch Linux.
Comment 17 Thomas Schmitt 2017-12-13 16:39:05 UTC

> Arch Linux, K3b 17.11.90

Google brings me to the page of "k3b 1:17.11.90-1"
and after some URL manipulation i get to
  https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/k3b/kde-unstable/PKGBUILDIt has
So the source is in

Assuming that the tag v17.11.90 marks the state of that release in git,
i'd say the fix is already applied at

For now i am clueless why it does not burn the BD-R.
The warning is justified but it should not block burning.

Have a nice day :)

Comment 18 Leslie Zhai 2017-12-14 02:01:35 UTC
mkisofs crashed...

Burned media

CDEmu Virt. CD/DVD-ROM 1.10 (/dev/sr0, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD+R) [DVD-ROM, DVD+R, CD-ROM, CD-R] [SAO, TAO, RAW, SAO/R96R, RAW/R16, RAW/R96R] [%7]

mkisofs print size result: 113852 (233168896 bytes)

K3b Version: 18.3.70
KDE Version: 5.38.0
Qt Version:  5.7.1
Kernel:      4.13.16-100.fc25.x86_64

Used versions
mkisofs: 1.1.11
growisofs: 7.1

Executing 'builtin_dd if=/dev/fd/0 of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0'

growisofs command:
/usr/bin/growisofs -Z /dev/sr0=/dev/fd/0 -use-the-force-luke=notray -use-the-force-luke=tty -use-the-force-luke=4gms -use-the-force-luke=tracksize:113852 -speed=18 -use-the-force-luke=bufsize:32m

I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
  0.45% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  0.88% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  1.32% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  1.77% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  2.21% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  2.64% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  3.08% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  3.53% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  3.96% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  4.40% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  4.83% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  5.28% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  5.72% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  6.15% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  6.59% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  7.04% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  7.48% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  7.91% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  8.35% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  8.80% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  9.23% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
  9.67% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
 10.10% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
 10.55% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
 10.99% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:32 2017
 11.42% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:40 2017
 11.86% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:40 2017
 12.31% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:40 2017
 12.75% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:39 2017
 13.18% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:39 2017
 13.62% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:39 2017
 14.07% done, estimate finish Thu Dec 14 09:59:39 2017

mkisofs calculate size command:
/usr/bin/genisoimage -gui -graft-points -print-size -quiet -volid k3b -volset  -appid K3B THE CD KREATOR (C) 1998-2017 SEBASTIAN TRUEG, MICHAL MALEK AND LESLIE ZHAI -publisher  -preparer  -sysid LINUX -volset-size 1 -volset-seqno 1 -sort /tmp/k3b.Et3463 -rational-rock -hide-list /tmp/k3b.bw3463 -joliet -joliet-long -hide-joliet-list /tmp/k3b.hZ3463 -no-cache-inodes -full-iso9660-filenames -iso-level 3 -path-list /tmp/k3b.XF3463

mkisofs command:
/usr/bin/genisoimage -gui -graft-points -volid k3b -volset  -appid K3B THE CD KREATOR (C) 1998-2017 SEBASTIAN TRUEG, MICHAL MALEK AND LESLIE ZHAI -publisher  -preparer  -sysid LINUX -volset-size 1 -volset-seqno 1 -sort /tmp/k3b.VU3463 -rational-rock -hide-list /tmp/k3b.Tc3463 -joliet -joliet-long -hide-joliet-list /tmp/k3b.mj3463 -no-cache-inodes -full-iso9660-filenames -iso-level 3 -path-list /tmp/k3b.OU3463

$ tar -cjf k3b.tar.bz2 k3b
$ mv k3b.tar.bz2 k3b.iso
Comment 19 Thomas Schmitt 2017-12-14 07:04:36 UTC

but mkisofs has no stake in image burning. It _makes_ images.
Are you sure you have chosen the right job in K3B ?

(Normally i'd ask to run the mkisofs command in a shell and to watch for
 an abort message, or to try xorrisofs as replacement of mkisofs.)

Have a nice day :)

Comment 20 Patrick Silva 2018-01-17 02:02:59 UTC
Hi Leslie
Any progress with this problem?
Comment 21 Leslie Zhai 2018-01-17 02:08:30 UTC
(In reply to Dr. Chapatin from comment #20)
> Hi Leslie
> Any progress with this problem?

Sorry, I can't reproduce the issue easily https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=387765#c18
Comment 22 Patrick Silva 2018-01-17 02:26:36 UTC
You need use "burn image..." option from "tools" menu.
Comment 23 Leslie Zhai 2018-01-17 04:46:57 UTC
(In reply to Dr. Chapatin from comment #22)
> You need use "burn image..." option from "tools" menu.

Not easy means blu-ray ISO is not available!

> @Leslie:
> I propose you create some dummy image file and make test with CDemu
> whether K3B accepts it for burning. The dummy could be e.g. a compressed
> tar archive. Maybe you can read and verify it from CDemu after the
> burn run looks successful.

And I used dummy ISO as Thomas suggested, but I can't reproduce the issue, and I even experienced mkisofs' segfault... Oops https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=387765#c18

I know the steps :) but still thanks for your response!
Comment 24 Patrick Silva 2018-01-17 14:55:05 UTC
Hi Leslie
I just noticed that the problem affects any ISO image created with nero using udf file system.
I created a small ISO file to help you.
Download it from here
Comment 25 Thomas Schmitt 2018-01-17 20:31:09 UTC

the given URL seems not to work without Javascript. But i found in
its lengthy HTML this URL
When fetched with wget it delivers a file of 9,764,864 bytes.

In 2048-bytes block 16, where an ISO 9660 filesystem image would have its 
Primary Volume Descriptor with magic number {0x01, 'C', 'D', '0', '0', '1'} 
it has {0x00, 'B', 'E', 'A', '0', '1'}.
This is an ECMA-167 Volume Structure Descriptor. "BEA01" means UDF.
According to ECMA-167 it is ok to have it there.

Linux mounts the image and then reports it as
  ... type udf ...

It will be interesting to learn how K3B manages to circumvent our changeset
about unrecognized image formats. (See my first comment in this thread:

Have a nice day :)

Comment 26 Leslie Zhai 2018-01-18 02:23:46 UTC
(In reply to Dr. Chapatin from comment #24)
> Hi Leslie
> I just noticed that the problem affects any ISO image created with nero
> using udf file system.
> I created a small ISO file to help you.
> Download it from here
> http://www.mediafire.com/file/26outwdcybhtzyp/
> udf%20image%20created%20with%20nero.iso

Sorry, the URL is not available... the same story is Google unavailable in my country...
Comment 27 Thomas Schmitt 2018-01-18 07:53:04 UTC

i have put a copy of the image at

Have a nice day :)

Comment 28 Leslie Zhai 2018-01-18 08:06:25 UTC
(In reply to Thomas Schmitt from comment #27)
> Hi,
> i have put a copy of the image at
>   http://scdbackup.webframe.org/udf+image+created+with+nero.iso
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Thank you so much :)

$ md5sum udf+image+created+with+nero.iso 
38e92048b0cbc1a366a67acbf78d7f2a  udf+image+created+with+nero.iso

And I can Burn Image successfully:

Burned media

CDEmu Virt. CD/DVD-ROM 1.10 (/dev/sr0, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD+R) [DVD-ROM, DVD+R, CD-ROM, CD-R] [SAO, TAO, RAW, SAO/R96R, RAW/R16, RAW/R96R] [%7]

K3b Version: 18.3.70
KDE Version: 5.38.0
Qt Version:  5.7.1
Kernel:      4.13.16-100.fc25.x86_64

Used versions
growisofs: 7.1

Executing 'builtin_dd if=/dev/fd/0 of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0'

growisofs command:
/usr/bin/growisofs -Z /dev/sr0=/dev/fd/0 -use-the-force-luke=notray -use-the-force-luke=tty -use-the-force-luke=4gms -use-the-force-luke=tracksize:4768 -use-the-force-luke=dao:4768 -dvd-compat -speed=18 -use-the-force-luke=bufsize:32m
Comment 29 Thomas Schmitt 2018-01-18 09:15:51 UTC

the MD5 checksum matches the one i get here.

Somehow the K3B version of Dr. Chapatin is not the same as the one of Leslie.
The only idea i have is that Leslie instructs Dr. Chapatin how to download
current K3B source and how to build it on his quite modern Archlinux.

If it is urgent to get the UDF images onto media, i would advise to try
command line tools:

  growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0=image.iso


  xorriso -as cdrecord -v -eject dev=/dev/sr0 image.iso

(Arch has xorriso as part of package "libisoburn".)

Have a nice day :)

Comment 30 Thomas Schmitt 2018-01-18 09:18:42 UTC

just in case somebody wonders: I deleted the uploaded copy of
udf+image+created+with+nero.iso . So the link is now supposed to be dead.

Have a nice day :)

Comment 31 Patrick Silva 2018-01-18 12:23:51 UTC
I use K3b 18.03.70 installed from AUR (k3b-git package) on my laptop and I can reproduce the problem.
Comment 32 Leslie Zhai 2018-01-18 12:33:49 UTC
(In reply to Dr. Chapatin from comment #31)
> I use K3b 18.03.70 installed from AUR (k3b-git package) on my laptop and I
> can reproduce the problem.

It is better to provide screenshot step by step, and please attach the debug log, thanks!
Comment 33 Patrick Silva 2018-01-18 15:08:53 UTC
I just burned the ISO from my link in a CD-RW.
Despite the warning "Type of image file is not recognizable. Do you want to burn it anyway?", if I answer "yes" burning process happens without any problem and I can read the disc and copy its content.

But the warning is not correct and it should be eliminated.
Comment 34 Thomas Schmitt 2018-01-18 15:31:11 UTC

> I just burned the ISO from my link in a CD-RW.

So now our changes reached your desktop.
Next try whether it works with blu-ray sized images too.

> But the warning is not correct and it should be eliminated.

The image is not a recognizable ISO 9660 filesystem. The Linux kernel 
recognizes it, but it recognizes and mounts a lot of filesystems.

One could question the reason behind having a confirmation dialog.
Back in september 2016 there was a flat refusal on anything that's not
ISO 9660, .toc, or .cue/.bin.
Maybe K3B should just accept what the user submits.

Have a nice day :)

Comment 35 Patrick Silva 2018-01-19 18:47:12 UTC
Why "invalid"?
This is a usability issue at least.
Softwares does should show messages that can be cause confusion.
Comment 36 Thomas Schmitt 2018-01-20 09:08:40 UTC

> Why "invalid"?

Because it is not an ISO 9660 filesystem, regardless of its suffix ".iso". 
Insofar the message of K3B is correct.

If i was annoyed by the dialog window about unreconized image type, then
i'd file a bug with severity "wishlist" saying something like
  "Please remove the confirmation dialog about unrecognizable image file type"
and give the dialog text as pointer to the code:
  "Type of image file is not recognizable. Do you want to burn it anyway?"
I would also point to the changeset
which introduced that dialog in order to give a hint about its reason to be.

As motivation for my wish i would state that only a small set of types is
recognized. Not recognizable are UDF, block-level encrypted ISO 9660,
archive files, ... and possibly more legitimate types for burning to optical

Have a nice day :)

Comment 37 Patrick Silva 2018-01-20 20:08:54 UTC
Created attachment 110020 [details]

Fixing myself: Softwares should not show messages that can cause confusion.
The message shown by K3B can induce users to think that the file is corrupted/damaged when in fact it's not.

Thank you Thomas, maybe I will open a new report.

I noticed that when the ISO file is not recognizable, "Burn image" window shows no info about the file despite burning process is successful (screenshot).

I just burned a blu-ray ISO created with Nero on windows 7.
Burning proccess was successful again.
Comment 38 Thomas Schmitt 2018-01-20 21:23:26 UTC

> I noticed that when the ISO file is not recognizable, "Burn image" window
> shows no info about the file despite burning process is successful
> (screenshot).

Ahum. My olde Debian K3B shows with real ISO 9660 a "Filesize", some info
from the ISO 9660 Primary Volume Descriptor, and an MD5 sum. Maybe "Filesize"
stems from the PVD, too.

The messages probably come from function createIso9660InfoItems()

There are more such functions: createCdrecordCloneItems(), createCueBinItems(),
They are all called in slotUpdateImage(), where the confirmation dialog
for unknown images is called, too.

The message "Md5 sum:" stemms from function calculateMd5Sum(). It is called
from slotUpdateImage() for ISO 9660 and some other recognized types.

So K3B would need a new function createRawImageItems() which reports similar
as e.g. createCdrecordCloneItems():
  Detected: Image of unrecognized type
  Filesize: ...
  Image file: ...

This new function and calculateMd5Sum() would then be called after the line

  d->foundImageType = IMAGE_RAW;

which gets performed when the confirmation dialog has not aborted.

Leslie, what do you think about such an augmentation ?

Have a nice day :)
