I have implemented screenshot through KWin API in GIMP. It is working fine except for the rectangular area screenshot. "org.kde.kwin.Screenshot" provides a "screenshotArea" method, but it requires to get coordinates. While this could be done in X11, in Wayland, this can only be done through an API. Here is for instance GNOME API for screenshots: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/tree/data/org.gnome.Shell.Screenshot.xml As you can see it provides a "SelectArea" method which allows to select a rectangular area interactively and returns coordinates and width/length. Could KDE implement something similar? It looks like you could also make good usage of it. In Spectacle code, I see that grabRectangularRegion() shows an "// unsupported", so I assume it doesn't work in your own screenshot application (untested, just assumption! :P): https://cgit.kde.org/spectacle.git/tree/src/PlatformBackends/KWinWaylandImageGrabber.cpp Anyway thanks!
Yes, the area call is from X11 times and currently unsupported on Wayland. It would raise a dbus error.
Would this error message be related to this problem: Execution error for 'Screenshot': GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject: No such object path '/Screenshot' Here's my version: gimp-2.10.12-3.module_f30+6174+bc22f659.x86_64 I'm running X11... not Wayland.
If I launch Gimp using 'dbus-launch' I do not get this error.
For it to be useful, this needs to be in the xdg-portal. We will support all features there.