This was changed a longer time ago. It used to show "Line XXX of XXX" in the bar below the editor. Now it only shows "Line XXX, Column X". It would be nice it it'd show the total number of lines again.
Can't please everyone! :p Personally I'd rather see the current column position than the total number of lines, but maybe there's a way to get both in there without making it look too crowded.
The column position is useful too and should be shown. Though if you remove the words "Line" and "Column", adding the total line number won't increase the horizontal space usage. But even so, there's plenty of unused horizontal space right of the line number display, at least in my configuration.
I agree this is a valid wish. Thought that there is a lot of space depends if you e.g. have either a small screen (unlikely) or some splitters (likely). The part provides that bar, therefore this goes to ktexteditor. What I would like most is to have a context menu that allows to just configure that. Patches welcome on
Git commit 3f0638e717a990c81fbc248298cc62709e8af851 by Christoph Cullmann, on behalf of Shubham Jangra. Committed on 20/06/2018 at 18:40. Pushed by cullmann into branch 'master'. Implemented displaying of total lines in kate GUI: new option to display total lines in the status bar M +3 -0 src/dialogs/katedialogs.cpp M +10 -0 src/dialogs/textareaappearanceconfigwidget.ui M +25 -0 src/utils/kateconfig.cpp M +5 -0 src/utils/kateconfig.h