Since the latest public release, kirta creates a "KRITA_SWAP_FILE_xz7210" in my home folder. I guess a better place would be: (path to temporary items folder from user domain) …or similar.
*** Bug 388397 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Oops. I wanted to mark the other report as valid and this one as duplicate. Recently, Krita adds swap files to the home directory-in not happy with this bug as data like that belongs in catch / temporary items folder. It's not just clutter but simply not the right place to swap data.
Yesterday I realised there is an option to set the desired path for swap files. (???) I mean OK thanks... But why should we need such an option? Cache files should be an internal, not configurable tasks which are stored / loaded/unloaded/deleted without user interaction.
Because people have asked for it to be configurable, for instance to place the swap files on a second disk, or on a faster ssd.
Please fix the default wrap file path at least for Mac os. Swap Files like that belong in: Home/library/application support/Krita/swap/ I know windows Os uses a similar approach:storing "application support" folders in home/documents/ Which is cluttering up areas which are reserved for personal use. Home path is reserved, not an alternative path to store files for applications. I'm talking about the default location part and not about the ability to store swap files somewhere else
I forgot to add... This small but report comes up all times as Krita forgets the custom path I set. Anyway. Please use Home/library/application support/Krita/swap/ I hope this report can be closed soon as there are more important problems to solve
Git commit 14ff8d14296b05ccf0f1b98d6d2eb106a6f5a571 by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 06/02/2018 at 09:56. Pushed by rempt into branch 'master'. Use AppLocalDataLocation for the swap file on OSX Otherwise the home directory gets cluttered with swap files M +1 -1 libs/image/kis_image_config.cpp