Bug 386972 - Compiler warnings with liborigin part 2
Summary: Compiler warnings with liborigin part 2
Alias: None
Product: LabPlot2
Classification: Applications
Component: backend (show other bugs)
Version: latest
Platform: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Alexander Semke
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-11-15 23:55 UTC by uwestoehr
Modified: 2017-11-22 23:35 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description uwestoehr 2017-11-15 23:55:56 UTC
Compiling with MSVC 2015 I get:

c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\tree.hh(460): warning C4820: 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>': '7' bytes padding added after data member 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>::alloc_'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
2>  c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\OriginParser.h(83): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>' being compiled
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
2>c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\OriginParser.h(87): warning C4820: 'OriginParser': '4' bytes padding added after data member 'OriginParser::buildVersion'
2>c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\OriginFile.h(80): warning C4625: 'OriginFile': copy constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
2>c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\OriginFile.h(80): warning C4626: 'OriginFile': assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted
2>C:\CraftRoot\labplot\liborigin\OriginFile.cpp(57): warning C4365: 'initializing': conversion from 'long' to 'unsigned int', signed/unsigned mismatch
2>C:\CraftRoot\labplot\liborigin\OriginFile.cpp(60): warning C4365: '=': conversion from 'long' to 'unsigned int', signed/unsigned mismatch
2>C:\CraftRoot\labplot\liborigin\OriginFile.cpp(61): warning C4365: 'initializing': conversion from 'long' to 'unsigned int', signed/unsigned mismatch
2>C:\CraftRoot\labplot\liborigin\OriginFile.cpp(203): warning C4365: 'return': conversion from '__int64' to 'unsigned __int64', signed/unsigned mismatch
2>c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\tree.hh(159): warning C4820: 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>::iterator_base': '7' bytes padding added after data member 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>::iterator_base::skip_current_children_'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
2>  c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\tree.hh(162): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>::iterator_base' being compiled
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
2>  c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\tree.hh(591): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>::pre_order_iterator' being compiled
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
2>  c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\tree.hh(588): note: while compiling class template member function 'void tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>::clear(void)'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
2>  c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\tree.hh(528): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>::clear(void)' being compiled
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
2>  c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\tree.hh(527): note: while compiling class template member function 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>::~tree(void)'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
2>  c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\OriginParser.h(56): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>::~tree(void)' being compiled
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
2>  c:\craftroot\labplot\liborigin\OriginParser.h(83): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'tree<Origin::ProjectNode,std::allocator<tree_node_<T>>>' being compiled
2>          with
2>          [
2>              T=Origin::ProjectNode
2>          ]
Comment 1 uwestoehr 2017-11-22 23:35:38 UTC
Closing. I will open more specific bug reports in future.