Created attachment 108869 [details] toolbars in LabPlot As you can see in the attached screenshot, there is plenty of space at the left and right side of my screen. Therefore I wanted to drag some toolbars to the side to view them with all their items. This is not possible. But LabPlot is a Qt application and Qt allows this, see for example the toolbars from the program LyX.
Created attachment 108870 [details] toolbars of LyX (Qt 5.x)
You have to unlock the toolbars first. Do a right-click on the toolbar and uncheck "Lock toolbar positions". After this you should be able to move the toolbars around.
> You have to unlock the toolbars first. But why? All programs I know have by default draggable toolbars. I can unlock the toolbars here. So to fix this issue I propose to mack unlocking the default.
Ok. I planned to improve the initial setup of the toolbars to have a better "default look and feel" anyway. Following points are on the TODO-list at the moment: 1. move the big plot toolbar to the left hand side and place it vertically 2. show only icons for the plot toolbar, no text. Maybe also for other toolbars. I'll add the point "made the toolbars movable on default" to this list, too.
> All programs I know have by default draggable toolbars. Programs that use the KXMLGUI framework lock the toolbars by default to reduce the chance for accidental changes. If the LabPlot program overrides this default, it should very likely save the status, so users can lock it, and have it locked on next start.
Git commit 48fc7298cac8b694c5dd83954ec575bb8b6fcd4c by Alexander Semke. Committed on 03/12/2017 at 13:15. Pushed by asemke into branch 'master'. Changed the default behaviour of the toolbars to: 1. show icons only 2. don't lock the toolbars 3. move the cartesian plot toolbar to the left toolbar area. FIXED-IN: 2.5 M +26 -22 src/kdefrontend/MainWin.cpp M +7 -10 src/kdefrontend/labplot2ui.rc
This should be fixed now. To check the current default behavior you'll need to delete .config/labplot2rc file first and re-start the application.
> To check the current default behavior you'll need to delete .config/labplot2rc file first and re-start the application. I cannot see any difference and can also not find a file named "labplot2rc". where is this stored?
On my computer the file is located in C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\local. In this file the application settings are stored. In order to see the new default values close the application, delete labplot2rc in this folder and restart LabPlot.
Thank you. I can conform now that this bug is fixed.