Bug 386840 - help -> what's this produces NOTHING
Summary: help -> what's this produces NOTHING
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 17.08.3
Platform: Fedora RPMs Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-11-13 07:18 UTC by George R. Goffe
Modified: 2018-04-09 19:38 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description George R. Goffe 2017-11-13 07:18:06 UTC
Konsole started displaying the find menu all the time now. Help what's this produced NOTHING. No popup, no text.
Comment 1 Kurt Hindenburg 2017-11-21 15:03:31 UTC
Can you provide more context and perhaps a screenshot?
Comment 2 George R. Goffe 2017-11-22 22:47:13 UTC
I have not seen this since this bug report was created. ctrl-f produces the menu but there's a red 'x' on the left that allows one to delete the find menuing. The menuing that I reported did not have the red 'x'.

I will attempt to recreate the problem and report herė
Comment 3 Kurt Hindenburg 2018-02-14 03:48:53 UTC
Reopen if you can reproduce
Comment 4 George R. Goffe 2018-02-14 05:19:56 UTC

The problem seems to have disappeared. I'm at konsole5-17.12.1-1.fc28.x86_64 now.

Thanks for your help.
