Hi ! [Intro] Gwenview has a very nice (and little known) feature for comparing several pictures. When in fullscreen mode, hover the mouse over the top bar, then mark several pictures by clicking on the "+" sign. It enables to display several pictures at a time on the screen, in a mosaic (then you can unselect some or put some to the trashcan). [Bug] When selecting MORE THAN SIX (6) pictures, the additional ones are either hidden or more rarely displayed in fullscreen over the 6 first pictures that are correctly displayed in a mosaic. When deselecting one, a random behaviour occurs (the former 7th picture is displayed in fullscreen for instance, above the mosaic, instead of becoming the 6th picture of the mosaic). |Expected behaviour] The 7th, 8th etc. pictures should either also be in the mosaic, or there should be an explicit limit (impossibility to select more than 6 pictures). [My setup] KDE Neon, regular edition, all up to date, Gwenview 17.08.2.
Thanks for reporting. Actually, this feature is not that "little known", so somebody else already found some issues before you did… Can easily be found by searching bugzilla for "gwenview more than 6", BTW. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 349402 ***
Hi ! Oh no, really sorry. I always have big trouble not filing duplicates despite my searches.