Insert at links to DHAD, SGCheck and BBV.
These are experimental tools (prefixed with 'exp-'). They have been nearly untouched since their creation. We can document them in "Experimental Tools" section, though. would deserve some cleanup and update as well. Please propose a patch.
Add at before "Other tools": Experimental tools DHAT DHAT is a tool for examining how programs use their heap allocations. It tracks the allocated blocks, and inspects every memory access to find which block, if any, it is to. BBV A basic block is a linear section of code with one entry point and one exit point. A basic block vector (BBV) is a list of all basic blocks entered during program execution, and a count of how many times each basic block was run. BBV is a tool that generates basic block vectors for use with the SimPoint analysis tool. SGCheck SGCheck is a tool for finding overruns of stack and global arrays. It works by using a heuristic approach derived from an observation about the likely forms of stack and global array accesses.
Committed in revision 531. Thank you for the patch.