After restarting KWin today I noticed that there is a mouse cursor on each screen. If the mouse moves to the second screen the mouse cursor completely vanishes. The only change related to cursor handling lately is 4238218b762996b41480f8d1c9a1c88930e08a11 so it might be that this one introduced a regression for the case that the displays are not scaled. Unfortunately I cannot attach a screenshot as the screenshot only captures one cursor ;-)
Version ======= KWin version: 5.11.90 Qt Version: 5.9.1 Qt compile version: 5.9.1 XCB compile version: 1.12 Operation Mode: Xwayland Build Options ============= KWIN_BUILD_DECORATIONS: yes KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX: yes KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES: yes HAVE_INPUT: yes HAVE_DRM: yes HAVE_GBM: yes HAVE_X11_XCB: yes HAVE_EPOXY_GLX: yes HAVE_WAYLAND_EGL: yes X11 === Vendor: The X.Org Foundation Vendor Release: 11903000 Protocol Version/Revision: 11/0 SHAPE: yes; Version: 0x11 RANDR: yes; Version: 0x14 DAMAGE: yes; Version: 0x11 Composite: yes; Version: 0x4 RENDER: yes; Version: 0xb XFIXES: yes; Version: 0x50 SYNC: yes; Version: 0x31 GLX: yes; Version: 0x0 Decoration ========== Plugin: org.kde.breeze Theme: Blur: 0 onAllDesktopsAvailable: true alphaChannelSupported: true closeOnDoubleClickOnMenu: false decorationButtonsLeft: 0, 6, 2 decorationButtonsRight: 3, 4, 5 borderSize: 3 gridUnit: 10 font: Noto Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 smallSpacing: 2 largeSpacing: 10 Options ======= focusPolicy: 0 nextFocusPrefersMouse: false clickRaise: true autoRaise: false autoRaiseInterval: 0 delayFocusInterval: 0 shadeHover: false shadeHoverInterval: 250 separateScreenFocus: false placement: 4 focusPolicyIsReasonable: true borderSnapZone: 10 windowSnapZone: 10 centerSnapZone: 0 snapOnlyWhenOverlapping: false rollOverDesktops: true focusStealingPreventionLevel: 1 legacyFullscreenSupport: false operationTitlebarDblClick: 5000 operationMaxButtonLeftClick: 5000 operationMaxButtonMiddleClick: 5015 operationMaxButtonRightClick: 5014 commandActiveTitlebar1: 0 commandActiveTitlebar2: 30 commandActiveTitlebar3: 2 commandInactiveTitlebar1: 4 commandInactiveTitlebar2: 30 commandInactiveTitlebar3: 2 commandWindow1: 7 commandWindow2: 8 commandWindow3: 8 commandWindowWheel: 31 commandAll1: 10 commandAll2: 3 commandAll3: 14 keyCmdAllModKey: 16777251 showGeometryTip: false condensedTitle: false electricBorderMaximize: true electricBorderTiling: true electricBorderCornerRatio: 0.25 borderlessMaximizedWindows: false killPingTimeout: 5000 hideUtilityWindowsForInactive: true inactiveTabsSkipTaskbar: false autogroupSimilarWindows: false autogroupInForeground: true compositingMode: 1 useCompositing: true compositingInitialized: true hiddenPreviews: 1 glSmoothScale: 1 xrenderSmoothScale: false maxFpsInterval: 16666666 refreshRate: 0 vBlankTime: 6000000 glStrictBinding: false glStrictBindingFollowsDriver: true glCoreProfile: true glPreferBufferSwap: 101 glPlatformInterface: 2 windowsBlockCompositing: true Screen Edges ============ desktopSwitching: false desktopSwitchingMovingClients: true cursorPushBackDistance: 1x1 timeThreshold: 150 reActivateThreshold: 350 actionTopLeft: 0 actionTop: 0 actionTopRight: 0 actionRight: 0 actionBottomRight: 0 actionBottom: 0 actionBottomLeft: 0 actionLeft: 0 Screens ======= Multi-Head: no Active screen follows mouse: no Number of Screens: 2 Screen 0: --------- Name: GSM HDMI-A-1-L1953T/308042 Geometry: 1920,0,1280x1024 Refresh Rate: 60.02 Screen 1: --------- Name: SAM HDMI-A-2-SyncMaster/1263088180 Geometry: 0,0,1920x1080 Refresh Rate: 59.94 Compositing =========== Compositing is active Compositing Type: OpenGL OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Desktop OpenGL version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 13.0.6 OpenGL platform interface: EGL OpenGL shading language version string: 3.30 Driver: Intel GPU class: IvyBridge OpenGL version: 3.3 GLSL version: 3.30 Mesa version: 13.0.6 Linux kernel version: 4.12 Direct rendering: Requires strict binding: no GLSL shaders: yes Texture NPOT support: yes Virtual Machine: no OpenGL 2 Shaders are used Painting blocks for vertical retrace: no Loaded Effects: --------------- zoom trackmouse invert slidingpopups kwin4_effect_login kwin4_effect_logout wobblywindows screenshot kwin4_effect_translucency kwin4_effect_windowaperture minimizeanimation desktopgrid kwin4_effect_fadedesktop cube coverswitch colorpicker kwin4_effect_maximize kwin4_effect_frozenapp kwin4_effect_fade kwin4_effect_morphingpopups presentwindows kwin4_effect_dialogparent highlightwindow blur contrast startupfeedback screenedge kscreen Currently Active Effects: ------------------------- blur contrast Effect Settings: ---------------- zoom: zoomFactor: 1.2 mousePointer: 0 mouseTracking: 0 enableFocusTracking: false followFocus: true focusDelay: 350 moveFactor: 20 targetZoom: 1 trackmouse: modifiers: 335544320 mousePolling: true invert: slidingpopups: fadeInTime: 150 fadeOutTime: 250 kwin4_effect_login: kwin4_effect_logout: wobblywindows: stiffness: 0.15 drag: 0.8 moveFactor: 0.1 xTesselation: 20 yTesselation: 20 minVelocity: 0 maxVelocity: 1000 stopVelocity: 0.5 minAcceleration: 0 maxAcceleration: 1000 stopAcceleration: 0.5 moveEffectEnabled: true openEffectEnabled: false closeEffectEnabled: false moveWobble: true resizeWobble: false screenshot: kwin4_effect_translucency: kwin4_effect_windowaperture: minimizeanimation: desktopgrid: zoomDuration: 300 border: 10 desktopNameAlignment: 0 layoutMode: 0 customLayoutRows: 2 usePresentWindows: true kwin4_effect_fadedesktop: cube: cubeOpacity: 0.800000011920929 opacityDesktopOnly: false displayDesktopName: true reflection: true rotationDuration: 500 backgroundColor: #0000ff capColor: #eff0f1 paintCaps: true closeOnMouseRelease: false zPosition: 100 useForTabBox: false invertKeys: false invertMouse: false capDeformationFactor: 0 useZOrdering: true texturedCaps: true coverswitch: animationDuration: 200 animateSwitch: true animateStart: true animateStop: true reflection: true windowTitle: true zPosition: 900 primaryTabBox: false secondaryTabBox: false colorpicker: kwin4_effect_maximize: kwin4_effect_frozenapp: kwin4_effect_fade: kwin4_effect_morphingpopups: presentwindows: layoutMode: 0 showCaptions: true showIcons: true doNotCloseWindows: false ignoreMinimized: false accuracy: 20 fillGaps: true fadeDuration: 150 showPanel: false leftButtonWindow: 1 rightButtonWindow: 2 middleButtonWindow: 0 leftButtonDesktop: 2 middleButtonDesktop: 0 rightButtonDesktop: 0 kwin4_effect_dialogparent: highlightwindow: blur: blurRadius: 12 cacheTexture: false contrast: startupfeedback: type: 2 screenedge: kscreen:
Urgh, it is. Sorry. It's super obvious on re-reading my diff what's wrong. Will fix.
Git commit bc92745f07f79d793cee0c60d39151f62f401c47 by David Edmundson. Committed on 24/09/2017 at 16:11. Pushed by davidedmundson into branch 'Plasma/5.11'. Restore cursors across multiple screens Summary: 4238218b762996b41480f8d1c9a1c88930e08a11 accidentally removed factoring in m_globalPos. Reviewers: #plasma, graesslin Reviewed By: #plasma, graesslin Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin, #kwin Tags: #kwin Differential Revision: M +1 -1 plugins/platforms/drm/drm_output.cpp
Thanks for the quick fix. Though I must say that it was a highly amusing day with the computer. And mouse mark effect helped a lot on the second screen.