In the editor, when code checker find an error it highlights the wrong line with red background but when the error / wrong line is fixed error is removed from 'Problems' view but the line is still highlighted in editor and in minimap. I tested this with Python file now but i experienced this with C/C++ as well How to reproduce: - Open file. (i tried only file which belongs to project) - Write some wrong code - Wait until the code analyser / checker marks the line as wrong - Fix the error - The line is still highlighted as wrong even when the error is not there anymore.
Additional information: This behaviour is triggered when there is warning and error. I tested it with Python file. I wrote wrong code / created error in a place which also PEP8 checker should mark as wrong (warning). Then i fixed the error but the line was still marker as error even after the warning was also removed.
Created attachment 107884 [details] Example how to trigger this behavior / bug More info: "Settings -> Language Support -> Highlight problematic lines" is ENABLED "Settings -> Analysers -> Python Style Checking -> Enable Style Checking" is ENABLED and configured like this: Disable: E111,E114,E121,E123,E126,E203,E226,E24,E704,W503 Enable: E302,E263 Line length: 100 "Settings -> Language Support -> Background Parser -> Enable Background Parser" is ENABLED
Hm interesting, this looks unrelated to python actually, but instead like a renderer (?) bug. Will need to investigate.
Should be fixed by: