Hello. I often ungroup some apps, so I see multiple windows in my icon-only task manager. I have more than 20 icons always opened, and would be easier to navigate on windows of the same app, if they will have humbers in the corner, when ungrouped and when multiple windows of same app. I think this icon task manager is the future, now all modern oses use such task managing. I think we need to pay more attention to it, and maybe make this default on next releases. Thanks
I don't understand. If you have 3 dolphin's open, you have it ungrouped so you have 3 icons - what number do you want on each item?
I know it may sound crazy, I'll try to explain. I have 4 virt-managers, 3-4 dolphins, 4-5 firefox windows, and I never turn off my computer. So they are always open, and randomly arranged. It would be nice to differ them somehow, like a number in the corner, some identicon or just color it to some other color, or just ability to change the icon totally and remember it, like kwin remembers settings for each window. Grouping is not user-friendly in switching windows of same app. I run different firefox and chromium profiles (so multiple windows), I tried to change icon with .desktop file, but after start new icon disappears and old appears... I hope you understood the idea.
Hi Ural! I'm not sure it makes sense for us to implement what you're requesting for such a specific use case. However, thanks to Plasma's flexibility, maybe we can find you a new approach that gives you what you want in principle. With such a complicated setup, it sounds like you might actually benefit from using the regular task manager in a vertical configuration, with enough horizontal width on your panel to see the icons' window titles, or at least the beginning of them.