Bug 384761 - Segmentation fault while updating addressbook
Summary: Segmentation fault while updating addressbook
Alias: None
Product: trojita
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: Desktop GUI (show other bugs)
Version: git
Platform: Debian stable Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Trojita default assignee
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-09-16 08:30 UTC by Richard
Modified: 2020-12-06 16:33 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

Debugging of trojita - full backtrace of all threads (48.12 KB, text/x-log)
2017-09-16 08:30 UTC, Richard
Changing filter (108.99 KB, image/png)
2017-09-16 20:46 UTC, Richard
Debugging of trojita - full backtrace of all threads - debian stretch (46.85 KB, text/x-log)
2017-10-21 19:42 UTC, Richard

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Richard 2017-09-16 08:30:20 UTC
Created attachment 107876 [details]
Debugging of trojita - full backtrace of all threads


I am using the latest trojita version on linux debian jessie.
I have a problem with updating my addressbook.

The scenario I can reproduce everytime is the following:
- Launch trojita
- Insert password (or continue without it)
- Open addressbook
- Set filter, that only one contact match (when more items are displayed, it works)
- Update phone number (or other columns)
- Try to set other filter
--> Segmentation fault

Trojita - last build from master
    commit 55666e70e2fce1553feaac8931710c5028960118
    Author: l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>
    Date:   Mon Sep 11 03:15:08 2017 +0200
Qt - version 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u2

Debugger output is in the attachment..
If something more is needed to find the problem, do not hasitate to ask.

Richard Eliáš
Comment 1 Thomas Lübking 2017-09-16 13:34:24 UTC
Not reproducible here (you're aware that your Qt version is slightly dated?)

"Try to set other filter"
How in particular?
The backtrace sugests the removal of another (the last?) index, ie. do you need to alter the filter to something "invalid", do you simply clear it, just pass focus to the filter lineedit, ...?
Comment 2 Richard 2017-09-16 20:46:44 UTC
Created attachment 107883 [details]
Changing filter

Ok, Set other filter = Double click on text in filter and type another word - by pressing first letter, trojita crashed...
Screenshot of situation is attached..
Comment 3 Richard 2017-10-21 19:41:19 UTC
Same is happening after update to debian 9 (stretch). Versions of libraries:

qt5-default: 5.7.1+dfsg-3+b1
commit e5ac7890ad09d2bd71c75ede421860b99e02290b
Merge: 55666e70 71878b21
Author: Jan Kundrát <jkt@kde.org>
Date:   Mon Sep 18 16:00:54 2017 +0200

Logs are attached.
Comment 4 Richard 2017-10-21 19:42:16 UTC
Created attachment 108490 [details]
Debugging of trojita - full backtrace of all threads - debian stretch

Backtrace when segfault happened
Comment 5 Christoph Feck 2017-10-25 13:56:22 UTC
It looks like D-Bus is used from a secondary thread. Not sure if this is supported by Qt.
Comment 6 Justin Zobel 2020-12-04 03:22:12 UTC
Thank you for the report, Richard.

As it has been a while since this was reported, can you please test and confirm if this issue is still occurring or if this bug report can be marked as resolved.

I have set the bug status to "needsinfo" pending your response, please change back to "reported" or "resolved/worksforme" when you respond, thank you.
Comment 7 Richard 2020-12-06 16:33:11 UTC
Yes, the scenario works well..