Shortly after the splash screen finishes (usually withing 60 seconds), Krita crashes and Windows displays a dialog box stating "krita.exe has stopped working". This renders the application unusable. This was not happening with 3.2.0, it appears to be new in 3.2.1. = Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Launch krita.exe and wait for splash screen to finish (then wait for a minute). Actual Results: Krita crashes shortly after loading. Expected Results: Krita should not crash. System info: OS: Windows 10 Home version 1607 (64 bit) CPU: AMD FX-8150 (8 core) GPU: nVidia GTX 1060 6GB RAM: 16GB DDR3 Display driver: version 385.41
Please get a backtrace by following If possible, please also test 3.2.0 again
(In reply to Alvin Wong from comment #1) > Please get a backtrace by following > > If possible, please also test 3.2.0 again Ah, thanks, I was wondering if there was a log somewhere. I will try 3.2.0 again to confirm. Here's the error: ------------------- Error occurred on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 18:33:20. krita.exe caused an Access Violation at location 0000000061A0A362 in module Qt5Gui.dll Reading from location 0000000000000000. AddrPC Params 0000000061A0A362 000000001768E8E0 0000000000000000 000000001768E9F8 Qt5Gui.dll!QFontEngineMulti::addOutlineToPath 0000000061A343BD 0000000000600150 00007FF9D0887592 00000000167D9354 Qt5Gui.dll!QTextLine::draw 0000000061A34B09 0000000015EF4378 000000001768FB00 3FF0000000000000 Qt5Gui.dll!QTextLayout::draw 0000000067744F4C 0000000000000000 000000001768FB00 00000000121EE748 Qt5Svg.dll!QSvgText::draw 00000000677589CA 00000000000002A2 0000000017680000 0000000000000000 Qt5Svg.dll!QSvgG::draw 000000006775E0CF 0000000017B926F0 000000001768FE50 0000000000000000 Qt5Svg.dll!QSvgTinyDocument::draw 0000000006772632 0000000068D58409 0000000000000001 0000000000000004 qsvg.dll!qt_plugin_instance 00000000619B1756 0000000000000100 0000000017B926F0 0000000016395390 Qt5Gui.dll!QImageReader::autoTransform 00000000619B1FEF 0000000016395390 00000000619ABC1B 00000000160E7340 Qt5Gui.dll!QImageReader::read 00000000619B2085 000000006199B6D0 000000006199F7E0 00000000160E7340 Qt5Gui.dll!QImageReader::read 000000006199F778 0000000000000000 00000000161BFC80 0000000000000000 Qt5Gui.dll!QImage::load 00007FF98F8D7D58 00000000160E7340 000000001603E2E0 000000001162BDF0 kritaimagedocker.dll!ImageLoader::run 000000006889DB6C 000000000D395910 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 Qt5Core.dll!QThread::setTerminationEnabled 00007FF9CE7DB2BA 00007FF9CE830670 000000001162BDF0 0000000000000000 msvcrt.dll!_beginthreadex 00007FF9CE7DB38C 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 msvcrt.dll!_endthreadex 00007FF9CDE68364 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 KERNEL32.DLL!BaseThreadInitThunk 00007FF9D08D7091 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart krita.exe ntdll.dll 6.2.14393.1532 KERNEL32.DLL 6.2.14393.1198 aswhooka.dll KERNELBASE.dll 6.2.14393.1532 msvcrt.dll 7.0.14393.0 libkritaui.dll USER32.dll 6.2.14393.576 win32u.dll 6.2.14393.51 GDI32.dll 6.2.14393.206 gdi32full.dll 6.2.14393.1358 libkritawidgetutils.dll libKF5I18n.dll Qt5Core.dll ADVAPI32.dll 6.2.14393.0 sechost.dll 6.2.14393.0 RPCRT4.dll 6.2.14393.82 ole32.dll 6.2.14393.1378 combase.dll 6.2.14393.1378 ucrtbase.dll 6.2.14393.0 bcryptPrimitives.dll 6.2.14393.0 SHELL32.dll 6.2.14393.1593 cfgmgr32.dll 6.2.14393.0 6.2.14393.1378 powrprof.dll 6.2.14393.0 shlwapi.dll 6.2.14393.0 kernel.appcore.dll 6.2.14393.0 shcore.dll 6.2.14393.953 profapi.dll 6.2.14393.0 WS2_32.dll 6.2.14393.206 Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Widgets.dll libkritacolor.dll libkritaflake.dll libkritaglobal.dll libkritaimage.dll libkritalibbrush.dll libkritaodf.dll libkritapigment.dll libkritaplugin.dll libkritapsd.dll libkritastore.dll libkritaundo2.dll libkritaversion.dll libkritawidgets.dll libexiv2.dll PSAPI.DLL 6.2.14393.0 libKF5Completion.dll libKF5ConfigCore.dll libKF5ConfigGui.dll libKF5CoreAddons.dll libKF5GuiAddons.dll libKF5ItemViews.dll libKF5WidgetsAddons.dll Qt5Multimedia.dll Qt5Network.dll Qt5PrintSupport.dll comdlg32.dll 6.2.14393.479 Qt5Xml.dll libHalf.dll libpng16.dll libKF5WindowSystem.dll libintl.DLL MPR.dll 6.2.14393.0 OPENGL32.dll 6.2.14393.0 Qt5Svg.dll libfftw3-3.dll Qt5Concurrent.dll libKF5Archive.dll libexpat.dll iconv.dll libz.dll NETAPI32.dll 6.2.14393.0 USERENV.dll 6.2.14393.0 DNSAPI.dll 6.2.14393.1532 NSI.dll 6.2.14393.0 IPHLPAPI.DLL 6.2.14393.953 COMCTL32.dll 5.82.14393.447 WINSPOOL.DRV 6.2.14393.1198 GLU32.dll 6.2.14393.0 DDRAW.dll 6.2.14393.953 bcrypt.dll 6.2.14393.576 DCIMAN32.dll 6.2.14393.0 NETUTILS.DLL 6.2.14393.0 LOGONCLI.DLL 6.2.14393.0 SAMCLI.DLL 6.2.14393.0 IMM32.DLL 6.2.14393.0 qwindows.dll OLEAUT32.dll 6.2.14393.1378 msvcp_win.dll 6.2.14393.0 WINMM.dll 6.2.14393.0 WINMMBASE.dll 6.2.14393.0 uxtheme.dll 6.2.14393.0 nvinject.dll 7.1.2250.7081 dwmapi.dll 6.2.14393.206 nvoglv64.DLL SETUPAPI.dll 6.2.14393.0 WTSAPI32.dll 6.2.14393.0 VERSION.dll 6.2.14393.0 DEVOBJ.dll 6.2.14393.0 WINTRUST.dll 6.2.14393.953 MSASN1.dll 6.2.14393.0 CRYPT32.dll 6.2.14393.1198 ntmarta.dll 6.2.14393.0 MSCTF.dll 6.2.14393.953 nvspcap64.dll WINSTA.dll 6.2.14393.0 kimg_exr.dll libIex.dll libIlmImf.dll libIlmThread.dll libImath.dll kimg_kra.dll kimg_ora.dll kimg_pcx.dll kimg_pic.dll kimg_psd.dll kimg_ras.dll kimg_rgb.dll kimg_tga.dll kimg_xcf.dll qdds.dll qgif.dll qicns.dll qico.dll qjpeg.dll qsvg.dll qtiff.dll qwbmp.dll qwebp.dll clbcatq.dll 2001.12.10941.16384 dataexchange.dll 6.2.14393.206 d3d11.dll 6.2.14393.953 dcomp.dll 6.2.14393.1378 dxgi.dll 6.2.14393.953 twinapi.appcore.dll 6.2.14393.1378 exchndl.dll mgwhelp.dll dbghelp.dll 6.3.9600.17298 wintab32.dll CRYPTBASE.DLL 6.2.14393.0 Wacom_Tablet.dll kritalcmsengine.dll liblcms2.dll krita_colorspaces_extensions.dll kritachalkpaintop.dll libkritalibpaintop.dll kritacolorsmudgepaintop.dll kritacurvepaintop.dll kritadefaultpaintops.dll kritadeformpaintop.dll kritadynapaintop.dll kritaexperimentpaintop.dll kritafilterop.dll kritagridpaintop.dll kritahairypaintop.dll kritahatchingpaintop.dll kritaparticlepaintop.dll kritaroundmarkerpaintop.dll kritasketchpaintop.dll kritaspraypaintop.dll kritatangentnormalpaintop.dll kritablurfilter.dll kritacolorsfilters.dll kritaconvolutionfilters.dll kritadodgeburn.dll kritaembossfilter.dll kritaexample.dll kritaextensioncolorsfilters.dll kritafastcolortransferfilter.dll kritagradientmap.dll kritahalftone.dll kritaimageenhancement.dll kritaindexcolors.dll kritalevelfilter.dll kritanoisefilter.dll kritanormalize.dll kritaoilpaintfilter.dll kritaphongbumpmap.dll kritapixelizefilter.dll kritaposterize.dll kritaraindropsfilter.dll kritarandompickfilter.dll kritaroundcornersfilter.dll kritasmalltilesfilter.dll kritasobelfilter.dll kritathreshold.dll kritaunsharpfilter.dll kritawavefilter.dll krita_shape_text.dll libkritatext.dll libkritatextlayout.dll krita_flaketools.dll krita_karbontools.dll krita_tool_basicflakes.dll libkritabasicflakes.dll krita_shape_vector.dll libkritavectorimage.dll krita_shape_artistictext.dll krita_shape_paths.dll kritacolorgenerator.dll kritapatterngenerator.dll kritadefaulttools.dll libboost_system-mgw51-mt-1_61.dll kritarulerassistanttool.dll kritaselectiontools.dll kritatoolSmartPatch.dll kritatoolcrop.dll kritatooldyna.dll kritatoollazybrush.dll kritatoolpolygon.dll kritatoolpolyline.dll kritatooltext.dll kritatooltransform.dll kritaanimationdocker.dll krita_docker_defaults.dll kritaartisticcolorselector.dll kritachanneldocker.dll kritacolorselectorng.dll qsvgicon.dll kritacolorslider.dll kritacompositiondocker.dll kritadefaultdockers.dll kritadigitalmixer.dll kritagriddocker.dll kritahistogramdocker.dll kritahistorydocker.dll kritaimagedocker.dll kritalutdocker.dll libOpenColorIO.dll kritaoverviewdocker.dll kritapalettedocker.dll kritapatterndocker.dll kritapresetdocker.dll kritapresethistory.dll kritasmallcolorselector.dll kritaspecificcolorselector.dll kritatasksetdocker.dll edputil.dll 6.2.14393.1358 LINKINFO.dll 6.2.14393.0 PROPSYS.dll 7.0.14393.0 kritaanimationrenderer.dll kritabuginfo.dll kritaclonesarray.dll kritacolorrange.dll kritacolorspaceconversion.dll kritagmic.dll libgomp_64-1.dll kritahistogram.dll kritaimagesize.dll kritaimagesplit.dll kritalayergroupswitcher.dll kritalayersplit.dll kritametadataeditor.dll kritamodifyselection.dll kritaoffsetimage.dll kritaqmic.dll kritaresourcemanager.dll kritarotateimage.dll kritaseparatechannels.dll kritashearimage.dll kritawaveletdecompose.dll WININET.dll 11.0.14393.1593 iertutil.dll 11.0.14393.1593 SspiCli.dll 6.2.14393.576 ondemandconnroutehelper.dll 6.2.14393.351 winhttp.dll 6.2.14393.953 mswsock.dll 6.2.14393.0 WINNSI.DLL 6.2.14393.0 urlmon.dll 11.0.14393.1480 mdnsNSP.dll rasadhlp.dll 6.2.14393.0 fwpuclnt.dll 6.2.14393.0 Windows 6.2.9200 DrMingw 0.8.1
I reinstalled 3.2.0 and can confirm it works fine in that version.
(In reply to andrew.arv.spam from comment #3) > I reinstalled 3.2.0 and can confirm it works fine in that version. This is curious though, because the backtrace points to kritaimagedocker (aka the Reference Image docker) trying to load an svg image (with text elements) through Qt and crashing for some reason. There hasn't been any changes regarding it so if it doesn't work with 3.2.1, it shouldn't have worked with 3.2.0... That aside, if you go to %LocalAppData%, open kritarc with notepad, search for "[referenceImageDocker]" and edit the "lastUsedDirectory" config manually to point to another directory without the svg image, it should stop crashing. Can you check if there is an svg image containing text elements in the directory that the Reference Image docker was on? It would help if you can confirm that it's related to a specific svg file, but I don't know if we can do anything about that. Also we will be using a newer version of Qt for the next release, and it might or might not fix the crash...
(In reply to Alvin Wong from comment #4) > (In reply to andrew.arv.spam from comment #3) > > I reinstalled 3.2.0 and can confirm it works fine in that version. > > This is curious though, because the backtrace points to kritaimagedocker > (aka the Reference Image docker) trying to load an svg image (with text > elements) through Qt and crashing for some reason. There hasn't been any > changes regarding it so if it doesn't work with 3.2.1, it shouldn't have > worked with 3.2.0... > > That aside, if you go to %LocalAppData%, open kritarc with notepad, search > for "[referenceImageDocker]" and edit the "lastUsedDirectory" config > manually to point to another directory without the svg image, it should stop > crashing. > > Can you check if there is an svg image containing text elements in the > directory that the Reference Image docker was on? It would help if you can > confirm that it's related to a specific svg file, but I don't know if we can > do anything about that. Also we will be using a newer version of Qt for the > next release, and it might or might not fix the crash... Interesting, I actually don't have [referenceImageDocker] in my kritarc at all. I added it manually just to see if that would have an effect, but no luck.
Ah, now I feel silly. I must have accidentally downloaded the wrong version when I went back to verify without noticing. is the version that still works correctly. Not 3.2.0. Still, while my initial report isn't entirely correct, the issue does still occur in 3.2.1 (as well as 3.2.0). Perhaps that may shine some more light on the issue?
Can you narrow it down a bit and check if 3.1.4 works?
Or maybe we should try tackling it at another angle... do you have any SVG images in your "Pictures" folder? If there are SVG images, try moving them to another folder and see if Krita 3.2.1 still crashes after that. If there aren't any SVG images then it's really a mystery...
(In reply to Alvin Wong from comment #7) > Can you narrow it down a bit and check if 3.1.4 works? > Just tried it, it does indeed work. I do have .svg files in my Pictures folder and upon removing them I found that Krita 3.2.1 DOESN'T crash at startup! And sure enough, when I moved them back it started crashing again. So that appears to be contributing to the issue for sure. The files were all made in Inkscape if that information is useful.
Could you please share those svg files with us, so we can do tests with them? If they are confidential, you can share them with me personally, either by mailing them to or sharing a drive link.
Git commit 7fd7b180bec235375d40f932a7f1f4b219ccd245 by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 16/09/2017 at 10:10. Pushed by rempt into branch 'krita/3.3'. Only start the reference image loader thread when the docker becomes visible This won't stop Krita from crashing on startup in a qimageio plugin if there are broken files in the location where it's looking, but at least that crash only happens when people use the imagedocker. It should also help a bit with the load on startup, especially if the Pictures folder is quite full. The real issue is, of course, that Qt's qimageio plugin mechanism is really, really, really dangerous. M +1 -1 plugins/dockers/imagedocker/image_strip_scene.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/dockers/imagedocker/image_strip_scene.h M +9 -9 plugins/dockers/imagedocker/imagedocker_dock.cpp M +2 -1 plugins/dockers/imagedocker/imagedocker_dock.h
Git commit 536a65ab0c740ff1ed2028d7bcac3578ffb36320 by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 16/09/2017 at 13:19. Pushed by rempt into branch 'kazakov/async-animation-rendering'. Only start the reference image loader thread when the docker becomes visible This won't stop Krita from crashing on startup in a qimageio plugin if there are broken files in the location where it's looking, but at least that crash only happens when people use the imagedocker. It should also help a bit with the load on startup, especially if the Pictures folder is quite full. The real issue is, of course, that Qt's qimageio plugin mechanism is really, really, really dangerous. M +1 -1 plugins/dockers/imagedocker/image_strip_scene.cpp M +1 -1 plugins/dockers/imagedocker/image_strip_scene.h M +9 -9 plugins/dockers/imagedocker/imagedocker_dock.cpp M +2 -1 plugins/dockers/imagedocker/imagedocker_dock.h
(In reply to Boudewijn Rempt from comment #10) > Could you please share those svg files with us, so we can do tests with > them? If they are confidential, you can share them with me personally, > either by mailing them to or sharing a drive link. I shared a drive link containing all the .svg files in my Pictures folder with your email.
Okay, I tested these files with a Qt 5.9 based krita, and apparently this crash in the svg qimageio plugin was fixed.