- have updates avialable - go to updates page - type something in the search field - nothing happens Seeing as the hint text on the field says 'Search in Updates' it probably should filter the update model? Or well, not search in Updates but instead everything?
Yes, correct. At the moment what it does is to visually select the filtered ones. I didn't want to hide them because then maybe we'd want not to update them if "Update All" is pressed. Or yes? Weird UX anyway. We're looking into moving the search field altogether anyway, maybe that will be a better solution than figuring out a search use case that probably isn't even there.
Git commit 08d19bc89338bf89dd2ed768f13154400ffd9724 by Aleix Pol. Committed on 08/01/2018 at 17:02. Pushed by apol into branch 'master'. Simplify search UX on non-application lists Now that pressing enter is required, it makes less sense to jump to the home page when the search is cleared. Don't show the search field on updates, it's weird and not really useful. Make sources filtering case insensitive. M +1 -4 discover/qml/DiscoverDrawer.qml M +1 -1 discover/qml/SourcesPage.qml M +1 -2 discover/qml/UpdatesPage.qml https://commits.kde.org/discover/08d19bc89338bf89dd2ed768f13154400ffd9724