My prompt in zsh, which is customized to print in true colours and in bold stopped rendering in bold a couple of days ago. This might be related to a recent bug in tumbleweed: Both happened at the same time for me or at least if they happened independently I saw them at the same time. I was able to work around the ncurses rendering problem by manually setting term = xterm-color or xterm = linux posted in the bug report, but in ncmpcpp using linux doesn't but that didn't fix the problem regarding bold fonts rendering. konsole's environment settings: TERM=xterm-color # term = linux also works but then exiting ncmpcpp doesn't clear the screen COLORTERM=truecolor The prompt in question: # tc = true colour # mn = machine name # This is to clean up the code written in the prompt tcfg="^[[38;2;" mn_fg="%{$tcfg%}240;224;208m" tcusr="%{$tcfg%}37;58;199m" tcpwd="%{$tcfg%}57;187;199m" # white colour whtfg="%{$tcfg%}255;255;255m" # prompt, colours are copied from above PROMPT="%B%{$tcusr%}%n%{$whtfg%}@%{$mn_fg%}%M%{$whtfg%}:%{$tcpwd%}%~%{$whtfg%}>%b " Maybe it's my fault, and I'd really like to know how to fix it.
I accidentally forgot to mention: I use source code pro, but I have also tried noto mono and the result is the same.
Could you please check if ~/.local/share/konsole/*.profile has a Font specifier in the [Appearance] section that ends in the style name (usually Normal or Regular), and just removing it fixes the issue? See also bug 378523.
I have checked that file and it contained this: [Appearance] AntiAliasFonts=true BoldIntense=true ColorScheme=Linux Font=Source Code Pro,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular UseFontLineChararacters=true [General] Environment=TERM=xterm-color,COLORTERM=truecolor Name=Profile 1 Parent=FALLBACK/ Neither removing the entire line nor removing just "regular" over there fixed things for me. Also I took a look at bug 378523, and fired up Kate to check if it was an issue limited to konsole. Apparently I'm also having this problem in Kate. I'm interested in editing the kdeglobals file but I'm not sure which lines I'll have to remove. grep'ing for fonts gave me these two lines. $ cat .config/kdeglobals | grep font update_info=fonts_global.upd:Fonts_Global font=Noto Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular
Did you restart Konsole after removing the ",Regular" suffix from the profile font entry? Kate uses its own profiles, so removing them in kdeglobals would not resolve the Kate issue.
I did, and that definitely did not fix the problem.
Also, it seems the problem is limited to monospace fonts. I tried using Noto Sans (variable width) to see what will happen and found that they are working as expected. They are weighted bold when they should be. This applies to both Kate and Konsole - they are both showing the same results.
Removing ",Regular" from only the Konsole profile files isn't enough; you also have to remove every occurrence from ~/.config/kdeglobals, too. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 378523 ***
Could you please check if removing style names ("Normal", "Regular", or whatever) from all font configuration entries indeed works? If not, this tickets needs to be deduplicated.
The problem had been solved for me by removing the entries from kdeglobals like Nate had suggested.