Created attachment 107680 [details] Screenshot of the "Small Icons" TabBox on a high dpi screen Using the Small/Large Icons TabBox on a high dpi screen renders them too small. The Large Icons pretty much looks like the small icons should look like, while the small icons one is so tiny that it's virtually impossible to actually recognize the icons. See the attached screenshot.
Not much we can do on X11 about it: the icon size is based on what the apps provide and that is mostly summarized as not enough for high dpi. On Wayland the situation looks better as the icon is provided through a desktop file.
Sounds like this is a WONTFIX for X11, then? Or more like a CANTFIX.
I've manuall edited /usr/share/kwin/tabbox/big_icons/contents/ui/main.qml and doubled the iconSize value... muuch better already...
Hmm, so maybe there's more we can do here, even if it isn't perfect.
to be precise, all the icons I have seen so far perfectly provide larger sizes, with the only exception I noticed so far being firefox. That one becomes quite blurry indeed. But at least for the small icons one I guess it should be easily fixable without suffering from that problem.
The pixelated icon is Firefox's problem; see Same for Thunderbird:
Created attachment 107687 [details] manually patched big_icons tabbox with iconSize: 256 Attached a screenshot for the manually patched file... I for one think it's better to have a blurry firefox icon but have all the Qt/KDE provided icons big and shiny :)
Yes, much better. And the Firefox icon is already blurry without a HiDPI display, so that isn't a regression.
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #2) > Sounds like this is a WONTFIX for X11, then? Or more like a CANTFIX. Partially probably a CANTFIX. There's probably something we can do as you showed by hacking the file (thanks for trying!). What I'm slightly worried about is that we don't get good icons for all windows. Especially Firefox and Chromium are traditionally candidates for bad icons. I just xproped by Firefox and it only has 48x48 as max icon and Chromium has exactly one icon in 64x64. Compared to e.g. Kate which has a range from 16x16 to 128x128. So upping the small icon switcher shouldn't be a problem. For the large icon switcher we might end up with an unpleasant experience. And from bug reports I know that users complain about that :-P
We already get bad icons for many windows, though. That's not a regression introduced by Michael's experiment, it's something we already live with today for non-hidpi displays. See So I don't think we lose anything by increasing the size of the icon switchers on hidpi displays.
> So I don't think we lose anything by increasing the size of the icon > switchers on hidpi displays. That depends on whom you ask. We have many users who think that's not acceptable and it's better to have smaller icons then. Both are valid approaches. It's just something we must keep in mind. Fixing this issue creates (or exposes) new issues.
(In reply to Martin Flöser from comment #11) > > So I don't think we lose anything by increasing the size of the icon > > switchers on hidpi displays. > > That depends on whom you ask. We have many users who think that's not > acceptable and it's better to have smaller icons then. Both are valid > approaches. It's just something we must keep in mind. Fixing this issue > creates (or exposes) new issues. Couldn't those users simply select the "Small Icons" switcher?
What I mean is that right now the Small Icons one is unusable on a high-dpi screen. By increasing the size of both (for high-dpi setups) the small one would be the same as the current big one with mostly sharp icons, while the big one will have some pixelated icons, but for those who want it, allow faster navigation through many windows because the larger size makes it just easier.
Hmm, I don't seem to be making myself understood very well. Martin, right now, with a non-hi-dpi screen (that is to say, most of them), the problem you are trying to avoid is already present: programs that don't correctly specify high-res icons show ugly pixellated icons in the Large Icons task switcher. That's how it is right now. I live with it myself. If we make the Small/Large Icons task switcher respect the system DPI properly, we aren't losing anything. On the contrary, we're making making them work, because right now they're *unusable* for everybody with a hi-dpi screen. I don't think it makes sense to avoid fixing this clear bug just because making the broken thing work allows people who use it to experience another, pre-existing bug that they already know about and live with.
Also, I have been working hard to get appropriate icons so that everything looks nice in the Large Icons task switcher:
@Nate: I fully understand that the problem is already present today. I only point out that the issue is more exposed if we support it. We have been at showing smaller icons (users were vivid about it), we have been at showing pixelate icons (users were even more angry about it). The problem is that the users don't understand that Firefox provides a bad icon. What they see is that it looks either bad by having partially large icons and small icons or that it's pixelated. This gives Plasma a bad look and many users get really, really angry about it and rant about the missing finishing touch on social media. I'm writing this because we have been there, we experienced these issues especially about the upscaled icons in large task switcher. You might be able to live with it, but users with OCD cannot. I don't have a problem with changing the small one to support high dpi. For the large one I'm unsure, because I see lots of other issues coming in for us. I could say "I don't care, just support high dpi", but that would mean ignoring almost a decade of experience on Alt+Tab and it's issues ;-)
Yeah, I hear you. Thing is, if people never see the broken Firefox icon, they won't be able to help fix it. Ever since I've seen it, it's been so annoying that I've been working to get it fixed: It's also not universally broken; openSUSE already patches the icon to not be ugly, and hopefully my efforts will result in the same for Ubuntu too, or even all Firefox and Thunderbird users. So my preference would be to fix the DPI issue originally reported here, which will fix the size problem for hiDPI users and result in *most* icons in the Large Icons task switcher being nice and sharp, and also bring greater visibility to the few remaining icon problems so that people can help get them fixed. But you're the maintainer, and we'll respect your decision.
This issue report is quite old. Can you please confirm, that it still persists with KDE 5.23?
This should definitely be fixed now with code overhauls to how the tab box code handled scaling within the past year or two.
Icons of Small Icons task switcher are still tiny when I set display scale to 150% on Plasma 5.23.2.
X11 or Wayland?
Can you provide screenshots that demonstrate the problem? Does it also happen if you create a new user? Also, please attache the output of qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation xrandr --verbose
Changed status to needs info
Created attachment 143295 [details] screenshot taken in a user account created a few hours ago output of 'qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation' Version ======= KWin version: 5.23.2 Qt Version: 5.15.2 Qt compile version: 5.15.2 XCB compile version: 1.14 Operation Mode: X11 only Build Options ============= KWIN_BUILD_DECORATIONS: yes KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX: yes KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES: yes HAVE_GBM: yes HAVE_EGL_STREAMS: yes HAVE_X11_XCB: yes HAVE_EPOXY_GLX: yes HAVE_WAYLAND_EGL: yes X11 === Vendor: The X.Org Foundation Vendor Release: 12013000 Protocol Version/Revision: 11/0 SHAPE: yes; Version: 0x11 RANDR: yes; Version: 0x14 DAMAGE: yes; Version: 0x11 Composite: yes; Version: 0x4 RENDER: yes; Version: 0xb XFIXES: yes; Version: 0x50 SYNC: yes; Version: 0x31 GLX: yes; Version: 0x0 Decoration ========== Plugin: org.kde.breeze Theme: Plugin recommends border size: None Blur: 0 onAllDesktopsAvailable: false alphaChannelSupported: true closeOnDoubleClickOnMenu: false decorationButtonsLeft: 0, 2 decorationButtonsRight: 6, 3, 4, 5 borderSize: 0 gridUnit: 14 font: Noto Sans,10,-1,0,50,0,0,0,0,0 smallSpacing: 3 largeSpacing: 14 Platform ========== Name: KWin::X11StandalonePlatform Cursor ====== themeName: breeze_cursors themeSize: 24 Options ======= focusPolicy: 0 xwaylandCrashPolicy: xwaylandMaxCrashCount: 3 nextFocusPrefersMouse: false clickRaise: true autoRaise: false autoRaiseInterval: 0 delayFocusInterval: 0 shadeHover: false shadeHoverInterval: 250 separateScreenFocus: false activeMouseScreen: true placement: 4 focusPolicyIsReasonable: true borderSnapZone: 10 windowSnapZone: 10 centerSnapZone: 0 snapOnlyWhenOverlapping: false rollOverDesktops: true focusStealingPreventionLevel: 1 operationTitlebarDblClick: 5000 operationMaxButtonLeftClick: 5000 operationMaxButtonMiddleClick: 5015 operationMaxButtonRightClick: 5014 commandActiveTitlebar1: 0 commandActiveTitlebar2: 28 commandActiveTitlebar3: 2 commandInactiveTitlebar1: 4 commandInactiveTitlebar2: 28 commandInactiveTitlebar3: 2 commandWindow1: 7 commandWindow2: 8 commandWindow3: 8 commandWindowWheel: 28 commandAll1: 10 commandAll2: 3 commandAll3: 14 keyCmdAllModKey: 16777250 showGeometryTip: false condensedTitle: false electricBorderMaximize: true electricBorderTiling: true electricBorderCornerRatio: 0.25 borderlessMaximizedWindows: false killPingTimeout: 5000 hideUtilityWindowsForInactive: true compositingMode: 1 useCompositing: true hiddenPreviews: 1 glSmoothScale: 2 glStrictBinding: true glStrictBindingFollowsDriver: true glCoreProfile: false glPreferBufferSwap: 101 glPlatformInterface: 1 windowsBlockCompositing: true latencyPolicy: renderTimeEstimator: Screen Edges ============ desktopSwitching: false desktopSwitchingMovingClients: false cursorPushBackDistance: 1x1 timeThreshold: 150 reActivateThreshold: 350 actionTopLeft: 0 actionTop: 0 actionTopRight: 0 actionRight: 0 actionBottomRight: 0 actionBottom: 0 actionBottomLeft: 0 actionLeft: 0 Screens ======= Multi-Head: no Active screen follows mouse: yes Number of Screens: 1 Screen 0: --------- Name: HDMI-1 Geometry: 0,0,1920x1080 Scale: 1 Refresh Rate: 60000 Compositing =========== Compositing is active Compositing Type: OpenGL OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics (HSW GT1) OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 21.2.4 OpenGL platform interface: GLX OpenGL shading language version string: 1.30 Driver: Intel GPU class: Haswell OpenGL version: 3.0 GLSL version: 1.30 Mesa version: 21.2.4 X server version: 1.20.13 Linux kernel version: 5.15 Direct rendering: Requires strict binding: yes GLSL shaders: yes Texture NPOT support: yes Virtual Machine: no OpenGL 2 Shaders are used Loaded Effects: --------------- zoom slidingpopups kwin4_effect_logout kwin4_effect_login kwin4_effect_sessionquit kwin4_effect_windowaperture slide screenshot desktopgrid colorpicker kwin4_effect_fadingpopups kwin4_effect_maximize kwin4_effect_frozenapp kwin4_effect_fade kwin4_effect_morphingpopups kwin4_effect_fullscreen kwin4_effect_squash kwin4_effect_dialogparent presentwindows highlightwindow blur contrast startupfeedback screenedge kscreen Currently Active Effects: ------------------------- blur contrast Effect Settings: ---------------- zoom: zoomFactor: 1.2 mousePointer: 0 mouseTracking: 0 focusTrackingEnabled: false textCaretTrackingEnabled: false focusDelay: 350 moveFactor: 20 targetZoom: 1 slidingpopups: slideInDuration: 37 slideOutDuration: 62 kwin4_effect_logout: pluginId: kwin4_effect_logout isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_login: pluginId: kwin4_effect_login isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_sessionquit: pluginId: kwin4_effect_sessionquit isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_windowaperture: pluginId: kwin4_effect_windowaperture isActiveFullScreenEffect: false slide: duration: 125 horizontalGap: 45 verticalGap: 20 slideDocks: false slideBackground: true screenshot: desktopgrid: zoomDuration: 75 border: 10 desktopNameAlignment: 0 layoutMode: 0 customLayoutRows: 2 usePresentWindows: true colorpicker: kwin4_effect_fadingpopups: pluginId: kwin4_effect_fadingpopups isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_maximize: pluginId: kwin4_effect_maximize isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_frozenapp: pluginId: kwin4_effect_frozenapp isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_fade: pluginId: kwin4_effect_fade isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_morphingpopups: pluginId: kwin4_effect_morphingpopups isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_fullscreen: pluginId: kwin4_effect_fullscreen isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_squash: pluginId: kwin4_effect_squash isActiveFullScreenEffect: false kwin4_effect_dialogparent: pluginId: kwin4_effect_dialogparent isActiveFullScreenEffect: false presentwindows: layoutMode: 0 showCaptions: true showIcons: true doNotCloseWindows: false ignoreMinimized: false accuracy: 20 fillGaps: true fadeDuration: 37 showPanel: true leftButtonWindow: 1 rightButtonWindow: 2 middleButtonWindow: 0 leftButtonDesktop: 2 middleButtonDesktop: 0 rightButtonDesktop: 0 highlightwindow: blur: contrast: startupfeedback: type: 1 screenedge: kscreen: Loaded Plugins: --------------- kwin5_plugin_krunner kwin5_plugin_nightcolor Available Plugins: ------------------ kwin5_plugin_colord kwin5_plugin_krunner kwin5_plugin_nightcolor
output of 'xrandr --verbose' Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 16384 VGA-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) Identifier: 0x42 Timestamp: 6492995 Subpixel: unknown Clones: CRTCs: 0 1 2 Transform: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 filter: link-status: Good supported: Good, Bad CONNECTOR_ID: 76 supported: 76 non-desktop: 0 range: (0, 1) HDMI-1 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (0x48) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 510mm x 290mm Identifier: 0x43 Timestamp: 6492995 Subpixel: unknown Gamma: 1.0:1.0:1.0 Brightness: 1.0 Clones: CRTC: 0 CRTCs: 0 1 2 Transform: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 filter: EDID: 00ffffffffffff001e6d235a01010101 0a1b010380331d78ea6275a3554fa027 125054210800714081c0810081809500 9040a9c0b300023a801871382d40582c 4500fe221100001e000000fd00383d1e 530f000a202020202020000000fc0032 334d5035350a202020202020000000ff 000a202020202020202020202020016c 02031df14a900403011412051f101323 0907078301000065030c001000023a80 1871382d40582c4500fe221100001e01 1d8018711c1620582c2500fe22110000 9e011d007251d01e206e285500fe2211 00001e8c0ad08a20e02d10103e9600fe 22110000180000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000e6 max bpc: 12 range: (8, 12) content type: No Data supported: No Data, Graphics, Photo, Cinema, Game Colorspace: Default supported: Default, SMPTE_170M_YCC, BT709_YCC, XVYCC_601, XVYCC_709, SYCC_601, opYCC_601, opRGB, BT2020_CYCC, BT2020_RGB, BT2020_YCC, DCI-P3_RGB_D65, DCI-P3_RGB_Theater aspect ratio: Automatic supported: Automatic, 4:3, 16:9 Broadcast RGB: Automatic supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235 audio: auto supported: force-dvi, off, auto, on link-status: Good supported: Good, Bad CONNECTOR_ID: 79 supported: 79 non-desktop: 0 range: (0, 1) 1920x1080 (0x48) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync *current +preferred h: width 1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew 0 clock 67.50KHz v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125 clock 60.00Hz 1920x1080 (0x49) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync h: width 1920 start 2448 end 2492 total 2640 skew 0 clock 56.25KHz v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125 clock 50.00Hz 1920x1080 (0x4a) 148.352MHz +HSync +VSync h: width 1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew 0 clock 67.43KHz v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125 clock 59.94Hz 1920x1080i (0x4b) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync Interlace h: width 1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew 0 clock 33.75KHz v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1094 total 1125 clock 60.00Hz 1920x1080i (0x4c) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync Interlace h: width 1920 start 2448 end 2492 total 2640 skew 0 clock 28.12KHz v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1094 total 1125 clock 50.00Hz 1920x1080i (0x4d) 74.176MHz +HSync +VSync Interlace h: width 1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew 0 clock 33.72KHz v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1094 total 1125 clock 59.94Hz 1680x1050 (0x4e) 119.000MHz +HSync -VSync h: width 1680 start 1728 end 1760 total 1840 skew 0 clock 64.67KHz v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1080 clock 59.88Hz 1400x1050 (0x4f) 101.000MHz +HSync -VSync h: width 1400 start 1448 end 1480 total 1560 skew 0 clock 64.74KHz v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1057 total 1080 clock 59.95Hz 1600x900 (0x50) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync h: width 1600 start 1624 end 1704 total 1800 skew 0 clock 60.00KHz v: height 900 start 901 end 904 total 1000 clock 60.00Hz 1280x1024 (0x51) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync h: width 1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew 0 clock 63.98KHz v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066 clock 60.02Hz 1440x900 (0x52) 88.750MHz +HSync -VSync h: width 1440 start 1488 end 1520 total 1600 skew 0 clock 55.47KHz v: height 900 start 903 end 909 total 926 clock 59.90Hz 1280x800 (0x53) 71.000MHz +HSync -VSync h: width 1280 start 1328 end 1360 total 1440 skew 0 clock 49.31KHz v: height 800 start 803 end 809 total 823 clock 59.91Hz 1280x720 (0x54) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync h: width 1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew 0 clock 45.00KHz v: height 720 start 725 end 730 total 750 clock 60.00Hz 1280x720 (0x55) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync h: width 1280 start 1720 end 1760 total 1980 skew 0 clock 37.50KHz v: height 720 start 725 end 730 total 750 clock 50.00Hz 1280x720 (0x56) 74.176MHz +HSync +VSync h: width 1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew 0 clock 44.96KHz v: height 720 start 725 end 730 total 750 clock 59.94Hz 1024x768 (0x57) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync h: width 1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew 0 clock 48.36KHz v: height 768 start 771 end 777 total 806 clock 60.00Hz 800x600 (0x58) 40.000MHz +HSync +VSync h: width 800 start 840 end 968 total 1056 skew 0 clock 37.88KHz v: height 600 start 601 end 605 total 628 clock 60.32Hz 720x576 (0x59) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync h: width 720 start 732 end 796 total 864 skew 0 clock 31.25KHz v: height 576 start 581 end 586 total 625 clock 50.00Hz 720x480 (0x5a) 27.027MHz -HSync -VSync h: width 720 start 736 end 798 total 858 skew 0 clock 31.50KHz v: height 480 start 489 end 495 total 525 clock 60.00Hz 720x480 (0x5b) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync h: width 720 start 736 end 798 total 858 skew 0 clock 31.47KHz v: height 480 start 489 end 495 total 525 clock 59.94Hz 640x480 (0x5c) 25.200MHz -HSync -VSync h: width 640 start 656 end 752 total 800 skew 0 clock 31.50KHz v: height 480 start 490 end 492 total 525 clock 60.00Hz 640x480 (0x5d) 25.175MHz -HSync -VSync h: width 640 start 656 end 752 total 800 skew 0 clock 31.47KHz v: height 480 start 490 end 492 total 525 clock 59.94Hz HDMI-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) Identifier: 0x44 Timestamp: 6492995 Subpixel: unknown Clones: CRTCs: 0 1 2 Transform: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 filter: max bpc: 12 range: (8, 12) content type: No Data supported: No Data, Graphics, Photo, Cinema, Game Colorspace: Default supported: Default, SMPTE_170M_YCC, BT709_YCC, XVYCC_601, XVYCC_709, SYCC_601, opYCC_601, opRGB, BT2020_CYCC, BT2020_RGB, BT2020_YCC, DCI-P3_RGB_D65, DCI-P3_RGB_Theater aspect ratio: Automatic supported: Automatic, 4:3, 16:9 Broadcast RGB: Automatic supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235 audio: auto supported: force-dvi, off, auto, on link-status: Good supported: Good, Bad CONNECTOR_ID: 87 supported: 87 non-desktop: 0 range: (0, 1) DP-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) Identifier: 0x45 Timestamp: 6492995 Subpixel: unknown Clones: HDMI-3 CRTCs: 0 1 2 Transform: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 filter: Colorspace: Default supported: Default, RGB_Wide_Gamut_Fixed_Point, RGB_Wide_Gamut_Floating_Point, opRGB, DCI-P3_RGB_D65, BT2020_RGB, BT601_YCC, BT709_YCC, XVYCC_601, XVYCC_709, SYCC_601, opYCC_601, BT2020_CYCC, BT2020_YCC max bpc: 12 range: (6, 12) Broadcast RGB: Automatic supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235 audio: auto supported: force-dvi, off, auto, on subconnector: Unknown supported: Unknown, VGA, DVI-D, HDMI, DP, Wireless, Native link-status: Good supported: Good, Bad CONNECTOR_ID: 91 supported: 91 non-desktop: 0 range: (0, 1) HDMI-3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) Identifier: 0x46 Timestamp: 6492995 Subpixel: unknown Clones: DP-1 CRTCs: 0 1 2 Transform: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 filter: max bpc: 12 range: (8, 12) content type: No Data supported: No Data, Graphics, Photo, Cinema, Game Colorspace: Default supported: Default, SMPTE_170M_YCC, BT709_YCC, XVYCC_601, XVYCC_709, SYCC_601, opYCC_601, opRGB, BT2020_CYCC, BT2020_RGB, BT2020_YCC, DCI-P3_RGB_D65, DCI-P3_RGB_Theater aspect ratio: Automatic supported: Automatic, 4:3, 16:9 Broadcast RGB: Automatic supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235 audio: auto supported: force-dvi, off, auto, on link-status: Good supported: Good, Bad CONNECTOR_ID: 98 supported: 98 non-desktop: 0 range: (0, 1)
Does the size look better if you set PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING=1 and restart plasma?
Same thing after these commands: $export PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING=1 $plasmashell --replace
Well that's odd. I can't reproduce the issue.
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This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!