I was looking for asteroid Florence 1983 ET3 in kstars lite. The research return nothing then I click on the search in Internet button. A message displays a successful request and the nothing. Only option is to press the cancel button.
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I tried with kstars on linux mint the search in Internet button. The request returns : No object named 1981 ET3 found.
Because it's a faint asteroid 14.1 and only asteroids up to mag 12 are downloaded by default. To change this, go to KStars settings and increase the download magnitude limit to 15 for example and then run asteroid update.
Hi Jasem, Thank you for your tip. Unfortunately, it solves only a part of my bug report. In kstars desktop, you have access to the magnitude parameters, not in kstars lite. The fact is, with 2 versions of the software, I was not able as a user to display this particular asteroid. I understand why you have to limit the number of asteroids in order to keep the performance of kstars. But I think that when a user ask for an object, this request should override global parameters, and added to the kstars database. What do you think ?